Snapchat is an app built on the whole concept of missing out if you don’t engage it immediately. If you don’t see a message within a limited time frame, it’s gone. All your friends will be talking about it and you’ll be out of the loop. It’s either a limited time frame or the one-view policy that chat messages have. Snapchat is changing things a bit with chat messages. Users now have the option to allow the messages to have a one-time view limit or to allow the message to be viewed multiple times for 24 hours. Here’s how you can choose when messages expire on Snapchat.
deci le sterge dupa 24 de ore
Logic ca cineva ia citit mesajele,desi are parola lui, poate sora lui, mama lui, iubita lui, prieten etc
ca doar nu a intrat din groapa fiind mort pe snapchat
E plauzibila si varianta asta. Dar daca nu ar fi, ar putea snapchat sa deschida automat mesajele dupa catva timp? Am citit undeva ca mesajele se pastreaza 30 de zile(cele necitite/nedeschise) dupa care se sterg si apar ca fiind citite. Si ma intreb daca poate fii adevarat?
Snapchat is an app built on the whole concept of missing out if you don’t engage it immediately. If you don’t see a message within a limited time frame, it’s gone. All your friends will be talking about it and you’ll be out of the loop. It’s either a limited time frame or the one-view policy that chat messages have. Snapchat is changing things a bit with chat messages. Users now have the option to allow the messages to have a one-time view limit or to allow the message to be viewed multiple times for 24 hours. Here’s how you can choose when messages expire on Snapchat.
deci le sterge dupa 24 de ore
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