" maybe i will never be who i was before "
"you buy everything, everything you want, but, you can't buy your friends"
" the summer is here, but not for a long time "
( ai putea sa' ti mai pui si versuri din melodiile care iti plac :* )
1. Fac cinste plateste vecinu!
2. Ma joc cu o grenada…psst… mi-a cazut cuiul pe jos…
3. Pauzele lungi si dese… cheia marilor succese!
4. Noaptea am cosmaruri pentru ca dor cu tine in pat!
5. Du-te lent si vino tare pentru mine n-ai valoare!
6. Ma tot uit la prezentari de moda dar niciodata nu vad pe strada asa ceva…
7. Mi-am luat oglinda sa imi vad avataru…
8. Nicaieri nu-i ca acasa dar mai bine-i la HOTEL!
9. Mersul la biserica nu te face credincios, asa cum statul intr-un garaj nu te face masina…
10. Foaie verde magheran/M-a facut mama spartan! -romana
1. Do credit pays neighbor!
2. I play with a grenade psst I fell down on the nail
3. Long and frequent breacasa... the key to great success!
4. I have nightmares at night because you miss the bed!
5. Go slowly and come hard for me not you worth!
6. I still look at fashion on the street but never see anything like...
7. I took the mirror to see my avataru...
8. Nowhere did iu better at home but at his hotel!
9. Going to church does not make you a believer, as a rule do not make car garage...
10. Green leaf marjoram / Spartan mother made me! - engleza
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