1. vogue - moda
2. swag - cool
3. vsvsp - asap (as soon as possible)
4. young money cash money billionaires (casa de discuri fondata de lil wayne si ronald williams)
5. geek - un om care isi studiaza subiectele ( in unele cazuri poate deveni chiar obsedat )
6. dope - heroina sau marijuana / este folosit si pentru a spune ca un lucru e bun.
7. yolo - you only live once (traiesti doar o data)
8. shut des *** up (shut the *** up) - taci dracului.
9. kiliin it (killin it) - sa faci ceva foarte bine.
10. *** don't kill my vibe - nu-mi distruge atmosfera placuta ( nu pot traduce primul cuvant )
Nu inteleg ultimul punct.
M-ai ajutat foarte mult. Mersii frumos.
1. Ceva care are stil
2. Swag in zilele noastre e foarte utilizat cu referinta la "stil" sau la felul cum te reprezinti, dar cuvantul este de fapt un acronim de la Secretely We Are Gay.
3. If the ground is stressed by an explosion or a hammer blow, it generates three fundamental types of elastic waves: P (primary, push-pull) waves; S (secondary, shear) waves, and surface waves. They are referred to as seismic velocities (VS, VP).
4. Y=Young
5. Not to be confused with Nerd. A geek does not have to be smart, a Geek is someone who is generaly not athletic, and enjoys Video Games; Comic Books; being on the internet.
6. argou pentru "heroina"
7. You Only Live Once
8. Cred ca vine de la Shut the *** up
9. Un fel de a spune ca esti foarte bun la ceva
10. Don't mess or interfere with their current emotional atmosphere and feelings. Popularized by a famous song by Kendrick Lamar.
11. Calm The *** Down, este scris in acelasi fel ca nr 8, dar nu-si pierd intelesul din pronuntie.
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