| CorynutzaBeibi a întrebat:

Am de facut la engleza doua compuneri de 20 de randuri, cu titlul la alegere. Am cautat si pe net, dar tot nu am nicio idee. Ma puteti ajuta voi? Sunt in clasa a 7`a. Nu vreau sa dati copy si paste la tot ce gasiti whistling. Daca aveti voi creatii proprii in engleza, merci big grin, daca gasiti ceva foarte foarte interesant pe net, tot merci big grin Funda! Scuze pentu categorie big grin

3 răspunsuri:
| zմzմツ a răspuns:

Eu sunt in clasa a 6 si am o gramada de compuneri uite una nu sunt chiar de 20 de randuri dar poti scrie si tu mai mare:dtongueolar bears live at the North Pole, on the islands in the Arctic Ocean.They are ones of the biggest animals on the planet.Their fur is white so they can hide snow and ice.They eat seals and other fish.They need two kilos of fot a day. Polar bears are hunted for there fur and for meat.The number of polar bears is decreasing.They are important to the envoironment.They are part of the food chain.The reduced number of the polar bears makes is think more and more of saving them.In 1973 five countries, an which lands polar bears live have callaborated at a law to put a stop to hunting and to protect the polar bear habitat.The law also refers to the development of studying polar bears.Now,over 20. 000 specimens live free and half of them live in the Canadian Arctic regions. I like polar bears and I a agree to the measures taken to be protected. I think people should also reduce pollution because it is the cause of melting the Arctic Ice.The arctic environment is their habitat and must be protected.(asta este prima iti mai fac inca una imediathee hee

| zմzմツ a răspuns:

Si acum sa iti dau a doua compunerebig grin depinde daca ai animale. a da prima compunere are titlul(help save the polar bears) iar a doua pe care ti-o voi scrie acum are titlul(my pets) sper sa iti fiu de ajutor:I like animals a lot, especially cats and dogs. I have a cat and a dog at home. I have had the cat for three years and the dog since 2009. I always wanted a pet at least and now I have two, I love both of them.My grandfather, who loves me very much, brought the two animals to me.He found the cat in the street.It was dirty and very thin. We washed and fed it.Thin it looked better and we gave it a name:Mitza.Her fur is white with black spots.She was small whenmy grandfather found her and she is still small although she is older now.She has got green eyes, small ears and very small pink nose. I like her because she's fluffy and quiet and I can pat her whenever I want.My grandfather bought the dog las August. I was very happy when he brought the dog home.It was a small dog and remained small. We gave it a name, too:Lady.Her fur is short, curly, black and white.She has got black olive-shaped eyes, long ears and a small black nose. I also like her although she's very naughty.She licks almost everyone. I am very busy with my homework that's why my grandmother and my another take care of both my pets. I just play with them.(sper ca iti plack... fundita?hee hee

| amy1513 a răspuns:

Poti sa scrii despre muzica, despre ce-ti place sa asculti, de ce asculti acel gen. Sau pur si simplu sa povestesti ceva, folosesteti imagineatia, fi creativa happy