0:29 - 0:39
K:I forgot what I was doing. Wait I forgot. Sorry! I just panicked for a minute!
Altcineva : That was my fault.
Kate: It was a bit. Sorry everyone, sorry!
1:18 - 1:25
Băiatul drăguț:They've been living like rats down here ever since the purge.
Kateo they like cheese?
Kate: Do they lie cheese?*
De la 0:41 pana la 0:57 chiar nu inteleg nimic, ce zice?
Si de la 2:41 pana la sfarsit?
De la 0:41 pana la 0:57 chiar nu inteleg nimic, ce zice?
si de la 2:41 pana la sfarsit ce zice?
0:41- 0:57
Cineva :Roll again, roll again!
K: Do you normally say like? ( nu înțeleg tot ce spune acel cineva pentru că este prea mult zgomot )…Did in that time? It was always the first thing that I hear…
K:Look, the first thing that I hear I try myself to ignore, then I realized I ignored that. So that was no good.
Cineva: OK. Excellent!
K: So…
K: Oh, i’m not saying the line this time!
Fata cu parul lung: Oh, i didn't know, i’m so sorry!
K:You sliped!
Fata cu parul lung: I did it again, I’m sorry.
K: It’s really slippery, i nearly did.
Fata cu.: I’m sorry