| alexgaby a întrebat:

Am si eu o intrebare daca poate cineva sa ma ajute.
De cateva zile nu m-ai pot accesa contul meu de facebook.Am primit interdictie sa trimit cereri de prietenie pentru 30 de zile, dar imi apar urmatoarele intrebari inainte sa imi intre pe facebook. Ce pot sa fac sa intru pe pagina mea, pentru ca atunci cand raspund la o intrebare, imi apare ca si cum nu as fi raspuns tot aceeasi pagina. Se poate face ceva?

Give Us Some Feedback
We don’t want you to be permanently blocked from adding friends. Giving us feedback on who you send friend requests to and why can help us make your experience better.

1: Do you understand why you have been blocked from sending friend requests?


2: How well do you know the people you've sent friend requests to?

Very well (ex: they're my close friends).

Kind of well (ex: we met a long time ago or have only had brief encounters).

Not well (ex: we have not met in person yet).
3: What is the primary reason you want to connect with these people?

I want to meet new people.

I want to be friends with people I know well.

I want to have a lot of Facebook friends.

I am interested in building business connections.

I want to meet people to play games with.


Pentru a răspunde la o întrebare trebuie să ai cont pe TPU.ro
2 răspunsuri:
| LiviuAlexoiu a răspuns:

1. yes
2. not well
3. I want to meet new people.
Asta ar trebui sa rezolve cate ceva :/

| alexgaby explică (pentru LiviuAlexoiu):

Da, am incercat toate variantele. Si nici cum nu merge. Cand raspund la intrebare si apas pe butonul,, trimite" tot pagina cu intrebari imi apare.