| Roooxaneeelllll a întrebat:

Buna as vrea sa imi traduceti si mie textul urm in engl dar fara google sau pe alt site... vreau tradus de cineva care stie engleza:
" Bun venit la Ziua Incalzirii Globale, asa vom sarbatori cand natura, omenirea si tot o va lua razna. de ce? Deoarece oamenii au construit fel de fel de masinarii care nu fac decat sa polueze si sa consume resursele energetice. Iernile sunt mai blande, natura isi schimba timpul de reactie, totul se petrece prea repede. apa oceanelor deja a inceput a creste din cauza topirii ghetarilor de aceea mici insule deja au fost acoperite de apa. Natura sufera dar si noi deoarece ne inbolnavim mai repede si vara facem insolatie din cauza stratului de ozon care permite razelor ultraviolete sa atinga corpul uman deoarece el nu mai este complet. Ce s-ar putea face ca Incalzirea Globala sa nu ia avans? Chiar de nu o putem diminua macar ar trebui impuse niste reguli de la guvern constand in :reducerea poluarii cu materiale plastice, reducerea consumului de energie electrica, cumpararea de masini care consuma putin, utilizarea altor surse de energie.
Aceste cuvinte de mai sus sunt o mica parte din ce se intampla si ce s-ar putea face pentru Incalzirea Globala. "

mersi dau funda:X:X:X

Răspuns Câştigător
| Fiction a răspuns:

Welcome to Global Warming Day,this is how we are going to celebrate when nature,people and everything else will turn awry.Why? Because people have built sorts of machines that only pollute and consume the energetic resources. Winter is warmer, nature changes it's reaction time, everything goes on too fast.The water of the oceans has already began to increase because of the melting icebergs, that's why small islands have already been covered in water.Nature suffers but we do too because we get sick faster and in summer we heatstroke because of the ozone layer that allows the UV to touch the human body because it's not complete anymore. What could we do so the Global Warming won't advance? Even if we can't reduce it there should at least be imposed some laws from the government consisting in:the reduction of the pollution with plastic,the reduction of the electricity consume, the purchase of cars the consume less, the use of other sources of energy.
The words above are just a little part of what happens and what may be done for the Global Warming.

Sper ca te-am ajutat. happy

1 răspuns:
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Mersi kiss