| anonim_4396 a întrebat:


As vrea sa-mi traduceti si mie din romana in engleza urmatoarea fraza:

Ador toate partile in care apare Patch, dar in special ultima parte, si anume aceea in care ii spune Norei ca o iubeste si inceaca sa ii explice ce s-a intamplat si de ce a fost absent din viata ei in perioada in care avea nevoie de sprijinul lui.

P. >S As vrea sa fie o traducere cat mai corecta si va rog mult: fara Google Translate.

Merci kiss!

Răspuns Câştigător
| crysty97 a răspuns:

I love all parts when Patch appear, but especially last part, there when he tells Nora he loves her and he tries too explain what happen and why he absence soo much in her life in the time when she needs him.

In mare e bine daca vrei sa eu trimiti unui englez intelege el dar tu chiar te uiti la chestile astea...

5 răspunsuri:
| ??? a răspuns:

@Crysty97 Merci mult pentru traducere. Dar am o nedumerire: ce vrei sa spui prin: "dar tu chiar te uiti la chestile astea..."? raised eyebrows

Răspuns utilizator avertizat
| Vali87 a răspuns:

I love all the parts in witch Patch appears, but especially the last one in which he tells Nora that he loves her and he tries to explain her what happened and why he was away from her life in the period she needed his help.
Vezi ca la celelalte sunt niste greseli la timpurile din pdvd gramatical.

| Girl_2549 a răspuns:

Ingerul noptii? Minunata carte!

| Mada_4804 a răspuns:

I love all parts when Patch appear, but especially last part, there when he tells Nora he loves her and he tries too explain what happen and why he absence soo much in her life in the time when she needs him.