Filme: In Time,Real Steel, Sherlock Holmes:A Game of Shadows, Iron Man 1 2, Never Back Down 1 2, Undisputed,Lord Of the Rings,Click,Titanic,Captain America: The First Avenger,Hancock,Remember Me,Abduction,Gladiator etc.
Seriale: House M.D.,Heroes,Californication,Prison Break,The Vampire Diaires,Merlin,Camelot,Legend of the Seeker,Spartacus:Blood and Sand / Vengeance / Gods Of The Arena, Supernatural, Lost.
Puff puff pass
how high
scary movie
liar liar liar
in time :X
sau cel mai frumos " don't be a menace to south central while drinking your juice in the hood" stiu ca are numele... dar e genial!
Seriale : Pariu cu viata; Anatomia lui Grey; CSI:New York/Miami.
Filme:Final Destination[1, 2,3, 4,5]; Hangover; Diavolul se imbraca de la Prada :d; Eurotrip; Comedie de groaza xD; Chalet Gril; Arthur; Take me home tonight. [astea mi-ai placut mie :d]
Seriale: Chuck; CSI:Miami; Dr. Who; Anatomia lui Grey; Neveste disperate;
filme: A walk to remeber; Eurotrip; Grown Ups; Dirty Dancing;
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