Let me tell you what I did to be careful about it, how that went, how about, how straight arrows peeping in my heart
The most beautiful gift that a boy can do a girl: time, attention and love of all
What are you doing? Leave. Where? Somewhere far. How did you see? Shadows in the sky. How will I know it's you? Hope. How long? One second. If I'm gonna miss you, where you find? In your mind. And after? dream
The hardest part is to manage to not lie. The easiest say I love you when you do not feel
1. Cheia inimi mele este inchisa 2. O iubesc si nu ma crede 3.Principalul pion pe tabla mea de sah esti tu, te iubesc scumpi! 4.Iti mai dau o sansa sa te intorci din nou, scumpete sti ca mor de dragul teu, te astept mereu 5.M.am gandit la ceva iti dau steelele tie, luna mie, soarele tie si apele mie, dar mai bine totul tie si tu mie! 6.Iti aduki aminte? Iti placea sa o vezi (sa-l vezi) razand.....Acum a plecat, dar zambetul i`a ramas....etc daca vrei mai multe adella_scumpik_mik
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