| вυттєяƒℓу a întrebat:

Buna big hug
Ce mai faceti? :*
Care este statusul vostru favorit? Ce status aveti acum?

5 răspunsuri:
| pwp a răspuns:

stau pe TPU...
nu pun statuse.stau pe invizibil happy

| CristineDelaruss a răspuns:

Not! :))

Statusuri favorite: Remember?! Last summer we we're togheter!

I can catch a grenade for you, but you won't do the same.

Viata grea, lume rea... Dar eu tot ma p*s pe ea.

Elena: And i just keep smiling, and saying: I'm ok.
Stefan: And you don't tell the truth?
Elena: Ask me tomorrow. ♥♥♥

m a ca e y o u r d r e a m s h a p p e n.

No status today!

Iti mai amintesti povestea aia, cand un copil ti'a zis ca daca ii dai buzz, el(ea) iti da ignore? Se pare ca se repete istoria.

If i tell you i love you, this will change the whole story?

I don't care. yet!

Antonimul cuvantul 'iubire' nu este 'ura', deoarece ura inseamna ca ti'a pasat candva...

Ploua încet, încet...
Ploua şi-mi este dor, de ochii tăi căprui mi-e dorrr. ♥♥

http://www.facebook.com/notes/fefe-punct/life/214121021954055 [e profilul meu cu o 'lectie de viata', check it out (: ]

Only because i love you.

#si tu nu stii ca inca eu nu am uitat.

all ma pipal on da flooor. ♥

If there is true love fight for this, live for this, and when you grow up, you have kids, you'll realize that you are always the child, but this time you have him beside you

Vreau mâzga marooo. ♥

I don't care if you will be with me forever, i just care if you love me. ♥

I would hold you in my arms, I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done, forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing I wouldn't do to hear your voice again
Sometimes I wanna call you but I know you won't be there

Sunt Eminescu in varianta feminina. ♥

Im not addicted…I’m just affraid of that voice that says ‘goodbye’

Si ce faina erai vara trecuta, acum esti ca restul, o pitipoanca pierduta.

Love is just a science fiction film, it doesn't exist, but it's always here.

piţipoanca *= inculţi. manelari. proşti. roz bombon. tocuri de 98 cm.

Acum stiu prea multe/Nu mai am scapare./Imi bag p**a/Si ma scol in picioare.

Totul este-adevarat/Ei exista./Si nu te vor lasa sa scapi/Pana nu le cazi in pista.
Tu stii, ca nu poti scapa/Asa ca lasa'te ispitit de acel 'altcineva'. ♥♥

Mai nou primul "te iubesc" vine la pachet cu prima intalnire.:-j

Azi m-am întâlnit cu el. Mi-a zâmbit şi a plecat mai departe ca şi acum 1 zi.2...3.

Da cine e faraonu? Eu sunt, eu sunt faraonu. Am piramide pira-pira-midee. =)

Iubeste putin cel ce poate spune prin cuvinte cat iubeste. – Dante Aligheri

Una bucată buun. :">

d: :o3
b: nu!

Toate sunt facute de mine, postate pe facebook sau mess.
Hope you'll like it >:D

| arysa a răspuns:

Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back.

| L ι ѕѕ є η α ☮ a răspuns:

Eu acum am -> love struck love struckx love struckxx love struckxxx
Statusul favorit -> Vreau sa stiu ca esti constient cat esti de iubit. love struck

| Alexxys a răspuns:

Favorit: peace, love & coffee. Actual: Busy