This love brings me sweet pain
But i want more
Driving by a dream
I can`t control
Prieteni sunt ca umbra, apar doar cand e soare!
my past haunts me every single second of my life
i have locked up everything inside me
i cant take it anymore
the pain to strong for me to bare
She hides her pain like nothing is wrong
She wipes her tears to make herself strong
But its no use at all.
Everyone thinks she’s happy
But what they don`t know is
What she feels
Love is day, love is night
Love is when you hold me thigh
You lean in to kiss me
And I pull away.
You turn my face gently
And say ~That`s ok~
You and me, slowly kiss
Caught in a world of bliss
Alone at home, it’s almost night
Thinking of you I turn out the light
Wishing you were here with me
Together with you I’m longing to be
So wonderfully amazing
As in our eyes we see
The feeling of security
When it’s just you and me.
I may have hardened my heart, but you still love me,
I push you away, but you always come back,
I frown at you, but you just smile,
I may be mean, but you still
Love me for who I am
If I walk away, youll follow
And I will always love you.
Tipa, Pana simti!
Tipa, Pana crezi
Tipa, Si cand te doare
Wake me up inside
Call my name and save me from the dark...
All that I'm living for
All that I'm dying for
Catch me before it`s over...
Here in the shadows
I'm safe
I'm free
I've nowhere else to go but
I cannot stay where I don't belong
Urasc sa ma simt asa
M-am plictisit sa ma lupt cu asta
Dorm si tot ce visez este sa ma trezesc langa tine
Spune-mi ca ma vei asculta
Atingerea ta e ceea ce-mi lipseste
Si cu cat ascund mai mult realizez ca te pierd din ce in ce mai mult
Mintea mea este dusa
Ma invartesc in cerc
si inauntrul meu
Lacrimile sunt inecate
Imi pierd puterea
Ce se petrece?
Ma ratacesc de dragoste
Asa ma simt...
Am piedut!
Ea a câştigat
Acum nu mai e la fel
Iti ofer destinul meu,
Iti ofer tie tot ceea ce reprezint,
Vreau simfonia ta
Sa cante tot ceea ce reprezint.
Cu ultimele puteri
Iti ofer totul inapoi.
Today, today I bet may life
You have no idea
What I feel inside
Don't, be afraid to let it show
For you'll never know
Imi vei spune ca gresesc?
Ma vei ajuta sa inteleg?
Ma privesti de acolo, se sus?
Esti multumit de cine sunt
Chiar vrei sa-ti zic?
Lasa nu mai zic nimic >_<
Aqum fii tu fericit!
Ahhh baby
Baieti ca tine gasesc peste tot
Poti sa pleci, ma doare`n cot!
Hay bye`bye ramai cu bine
Vezi ca intreaba looser`itza de tine
Oriunde ai merge
Orice ai face
Voi fi chiar aici asteptandu-te pe tine
Oricat ar costa
Sau cum s-ar rupe inima mea
Voi fi chiar aici asteptandu-te pe tine
Sunt terminata
Emotiile mele sunt inghetate
Mergand inainte, mergand gresit
Merg sperand...
Love is day, love is night
Love is when you hold me thigh
You lean in to kiss me
And I pull away.
You turn my face gently
And say ~That`s ok~
You and me, slowly kiss
Caught in a world of bliss
Alone at home, it’s almost night
Thinking of you I turn out the light
Wishing you were here with me
Together with you I’m longing to be