Iti spun un termen care se refera la intrega platforma TPU si anume WTF (traducere directa in romgleza "ce naiba")
generatia "mess" isi aduce aminte termeni uzuali acolo precum : lol-care semnifica laughing out loud, brb-be right back, sunt multe as sta pana maine sa scriu
Cea mai "uzuala" expresie din engleza folosita si in Romania este in opinia mea 'OK'
Mai ia câteva aici
A/S/L (Tell me your) age, sex, location (Spune-mi) vârsta, sexul, şi localitatea ta
BF Boyfriend Prieten (iubit)
B4N Bye for now Pa!
GF Girlfriend Prietenă (iubită)
BRB Be right back Revin imediat
CD9 Code 9; means parents are around Cod 9; înseamnă: părinţi prin preajmă
G2G Got to go Trebuie să plec
IDK I don’t know Nu ştiu
(L)MIRL (Let’s) meet in real life (used in chat rooms) Hai să ne întâlnim
LOL Laugh out loud Râs tare
MOS Mom over shoulder Mama se uită peste umărul meu
P911 Parent emergency! Urgenţă! Părinţi!
PIR Parent in room Părinte în cameră
S2R Send to receive (pictures) Trimit (poză)
C2C Camera to camera Să ne vedem prin webcam
TDTM Talk dirty to me Vorbeşti urăt cu mine
TTYL Talk to you later Vorbim mai târziu
X Referring to the drug ecstasy Referinţă la drgogul ecstasy
Warez Pirated software Soft piratat
4 For Pentru
2 To, too, two La, de asemenea, doi
? I have a question/ I don’t understand what you mean Am o întrebare/Nu înţeleg ce vrei să spui
? 4U I have a question for you Pot să te întreb ceva?
ZUP What’s up? Ce faci?
B4 Before Înainte
OMG Oh My Gosh, Oh My God O, doamne!
PLZ Please Te rog
Ppl People Lume
BTW By the way Fiindcă veni vorba
ROFL Rolling on Floor Laughing Mă rostogolesc pe podea de atâta râs
FYI For Your Information Pentru informarea ta
GM Good Morning Bună diminneaţa
GN Good Night Bună seara
K Okay OK
PM Private message Mesaj privat
M/F Are You Male or Female? Eşti fată su băiat?
Tnx Thanks Mersi
TY Thank You Mulţumesc
zzz Sleeping Dorm
WYSIWYG What you see is what you get Ce vezi asta obţii
DND Do not disturb NU dereanjaţi
Smile Zâmbet
Laugh Out Loud Râd în hohote
LOL Laugh Out Loud Râd în hohote
Smile with teeth Zâmbet cu dinţi
See ROFL Mă rostogolesc pe podea de atâta râs
Tongue Scot limba
sal - Salut!
cf - Ce faci?
np No problem Nu este nicio problemă
ms - Mulţumesc (mersi)
npc - N-ai pentru ce
vb - Vorbim
cp - Cu plăcere
LMA - La mulţi ani!
nu stiu - Nu ştiu
bine - Bine
pb - Poftă bună!
k - Ca
3 - e
dc - De ce
nimic - Nimic
Bet=cu siguranta: -Can you pick up Joshua in an hour?
—Bet, I’ll be there.
Boujee=luxos:We were looking for a local bar, but the one we ended up at was much more boujee than we had hoped for.
Extra=dramatic:You don’t have to go to the emergency room for a simple headache, Luis. You’re being a little extra.
Flex=sa te lauzi: I don’t want to flex, but my new job is paying me three times as much as my old one.
Ghost=sa nu mai vorbesti cu o persona brusc, as ignore subit: I thought things were going well between us, but she ended up ghosting me.
High-key=sa faci un lucru in mod evident, sa te mandresti cu lucrul pe care l-ai facut:I high-key loved that movie.
Lit=misto: How is it over there? Is it lit, or should I just go home instead?
Low-key=cand iti exprimi parerea in mod subtilon’t tell anyone, but I low-key like this song.
No Cap=sunt sincer:This is the most beautiful house I’ve ever seen, no cap.
Rent-free=cand te gandesti la ceva constant:Why are you letting that situation live in your head rent-free? It happened months ago!
Rizz=carisma:You’re so good with the ladies! Where did you get all that rizz?
Savage=curajos:I can’t believe you said that. That was a savage comeback.
Simp=in general barbatii afectuosi cu femeile(folosit in sens negativ):I blocked him on social media because he kept calling me a simp whenever I showed any form of affection towards my wife.
Slay=cand lauzi pe cineva, sau il incurajezi:Yes, girl, slay! You look so good in that dress.
Sus=ciudat:You’re being so sus. Is everything okay?
Tea=barfa:She says she has some tea about last night’s party.
Asap- as soon as posible (cat mai curand posibil)
Atp- at that point
Pov- point of view
Ong- on god
Asf- as f*ck
Skibidi toilet, rizz, mogged, edging, fanum tax, skibidi fortnite, what the sigma, you gyatt to be rizzling me, gyatt, baby gronk, livvy dunne
Piciu_Mihaela_ întreabă: