iar asta e varianta in engleza de la povestirea lui Wonderland
Twilight is a love story between vampire and mortal Bella Swan Edward Cullen. They fall in love in the first year at school when Bella arrives in Forks, Washington town where her father lives. Bella, called a "danger magnet", passes near death many times. The story is divided into four volumes / 4 different films: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. The love story gets complicated when two werewolf Jacob Black, Bella's childhood friend, falls for it (in New Moon). Throughout the story, Jacob is in conflict with Edward, werewolves and vampires are enemies of birth.
In the first book Bella is on the verge of being transformed into a vampire by James nomad. In the second, on her birthday she cut into paper and Jasper (Edward's half-brother) loses control. Edward wants to go to no longer pose a threat to her, but Bella became depressed, jumps off a cliff but is saved by Jacob. Edward, died thinking that she goes to the Volturi to kill himself, but Bella stops him and all ends well. In Eclipse, James's girlfriend, Victoria, they raise an army of newborn vampires to kill Bella, but Cullenii, allied with werewolves, are compared. In his latest book, Edward and Bella get married, Bella gets pregnant and eventually is transformed into a vampire, living happily all eternity
Twilight este o poveste de dragoste dintre vampirul Edward Cullen si muritoarea Bella Swan. Ei doi se indragostesc in primul an cand Bella soseste la liceul din Forks, orasel din Washington unde locuieste tatal ei. Bella, supranumita un "magnet al pericolelor", trece pe langa moarte de mai multe ori. Povestea este impartita in 4 volume/ 4 filme diferite : Amurg, Luna Noua, Eclipsa si Zori de Zi. Povestea de dragoste a celor doi se complica atunci cand varcolacul Jacob Black, prietenul din copilarie a Bellei, se indragosteste de aceasta (in Luna Noua). Pe tot parcursul povestii, Jacob se afla in conflict cu Edward, varcolacii si vampirii fiind dusmani din nastere.
In prima carte Bella este la un pas de a fi transformata in vampir de catre nomadul James. In cea de-a doua, la ziua ei de nastere ea se taie in hartie si Jasper (fratele vitreg al lui Edward) isi pierde controlul. Edward vrea sa plece ca sa nu mai reprezinte un pericol pentru ea, insa Bella intra in depresie, sare de pe o stanca dar e salvata de Jacob. Edward, crezand ca ea a murit, se duce la Volturi ca sa se sinucida, insa Bella il opreste si totul se termina cu bine. In Eclipsa, iubita lui James, Victoria, isi strange o armata de vampiri nou-nascuti ca sa o omoare pe Bella, insa Cullenii, aliati cu varcolacii, fac fata. In ultima carte, Edward si Bella se casatoresc, Bella ramane insarcinata si intr-un final, este transformata in vampir, traind fericiti toata eternitatea
nu e luata de nicaieri, e povestita de mine funda?
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