Slayers: Lina Inverse, Gourry Gabriev, Zelgadis Greywords, Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun, Pokota, Xellos, Naga the White Serpent, Filia, Martina Zoana Mel Navratilova, Seigram, Rezo the Red Priest, Gaav the Demon Dragon King, Valgaav, Dilgear, Jillas Jillos Jilles, Gravos Maunttop, Hellmaster Phibrizzo, Noonsa, Zumma, Milgasia, Crown Prince Philionel El Di Seyruun, Rodimus, Sylphiel Nels Lahda, Vrumugun, Zangulus, Zolf, Damia, Tarimu, Ashford, Luna Inverse, Lord of Nightmares, Shabranigdo, Ceiphied, Darkstar Dugradigdo, Mazoku