Buna nume de trupe care inca nu-s folosite:
sky on fire=cer in flacari
friends 4ever=prieteni pentru totdeauna
Just us=numai noi
Crazy gang =gasca nebuna
si melodii puteti canta ceva compusa de mine daca var placea
Our Life!
We are friends for years
We are scared gang
We come and be astonished
And all that remains is applauded us
Friendship is what brings you down to earth
Ide love to ask you
And so I ask you
A kiss and I promise
As you stay with me forever
Friendship is a flower
With more value
Everything depends on us
To create it around with you
Chorus: Look around you
Tion point in life without friends
Without them everything was looking
Friendship is a flower
What increases the patience!
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