Pirates of the Caraibbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)- Piratii din Caraibe: Blestemul Perlei Negre (2003)
Pirates of the Caraibbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)- Piratii din Caraibe- Cufarul Omului Mort (2006)
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)- Piratii din Caraibe: La capatul lumii (2007)
Aceasta e ordinea.
Anul acesta apare al patrulea film "Pe ape si mai tulburi" si e posibil sa urmeze inca un film sau doua.
Pirates of the Carribean: The Curse of the Blackk Pearl(2003)
Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest(2006)
Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End(2007)
Pirates of the Carribean: On Stranger Tides(2011)
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