Cred ca unul creat de tine ar fi mult mai frumos:)Daca n-ai putina imaginatie si nici de unde sa te inspiri, uite aici=> sau
Ma gandesc la tine zi si noapte,nu mi te pot scoate din cap tu pentru mine esti raiul, fericirea care ma inconjoara pretutindeni dar, m-ai lasat balta si acum ma ofilesc ca un trandafir gingas cand nu este udat.
Clipele rele ce trec eu incerc sa te uit incet incet te scot din inima mai e loc pentru o iubire trecatoare.
We must get hurt to grow,
We must fail to know.
Wash away your tear
And think clear.
Every man is afraid of something.That`s how you know he is in love with you. When he is afraid of loosing you:X / Live with no excuses and Love with no regrets:X/ Sometimes I wonder how or what I look like in someone else`s eyes /Falling in love is when she falls asleep in your arms and wakes up in your dreams/ Love is just a word untill someone comes along and gives it meaning:X/I love you not because who U are but because who I am when I`m with you:X./Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss:* and ends in tears/If I know what love is it is because of you:X./No man or woman is worth your tears and the one who is won`t make you cry:X./If you want to know how much I miss you try to catch rain drops.The ones you catch is how much U miss me and the other U miss is how much I miss stiu cate erau la subiect dar or sa iti fie bune si altadata bune. astea mi-au venit in cap sper sa ajute macar unu` sau doua
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