I reached into the sky
My love wouldn't reach you
The multi-colored balloons
Disappeared into the sky, growing smaller and smaller
Help me come back down
From high above the clouds
You know im suffocating, But i blame this town
Why do I deny
The things that burn inside,
Down deep I'm barley breathing
But you just see a smile[Paramore- Adore]
And do you ever want me, do you ever need me?
I know that you left before goodbye.
It's okay, there's always another day.
And anytime you want me, anytime you see me
I don't think you meant to say goodbye
But it's okay, there's always another day.[Paramore- Another day ]
So one day he found her crying
Coiled up on the dirty ground
Her prince finally came to save her
And the rest you can figure out
But it was a trick
And the clock struck 12
Well make sure to build your house brick by boring brick
or the wolves gonna blow it down[Paramore- Brick by boring brick]
And I've always lived like this
Keeping a comfortable distance
And up until now I had sworn to myself that I'm content with loneliness
Because none of it was ever worth the risk
But you are the only exception[Paramore- the only exception]
So lets play the charade
I’m helpless like a child lost in the dark
And I need you to light a spark
It’s a game but the same
I need to feel that this is love somehow
So don’t disconnect me now
I wanna be in your control
So unmerciful You can twist me and turn just don’t let me go
I wanna be your puppet on a string
Baby I’m not holding back
We can do anything
And even if I’m crazy is cause you make me this way
We’re as close to love as we’ll ever get
I wanna be your marionette, marionette, marionette x2[Antonia- Marionette]
I wanted you to know I love the way you laugh
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away
I keep your photograph and I know it serves me well
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain
'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away[Seether ft Amy Lee- Broken]
This innocence is brilliant
I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect
Please don't go away
I need you now
And I'll hold on to it
Don't you let it pass you by
I found a place so safe, not a single tear
The first time in my life and now it's so clear
Feel calm, I belong, I'm so happy here
It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling[Avril Lavigne- Innocence]
Both hands tied behind my back with nothing
Oh no, these times when we climb so fast to fall again
Why we gotta fall for it now
I never meant to start a war
You know I never wanna hurt you
Don't even know what we're fighting for[Jordin Sparks - Battlefield]
Timpul trece altfel cand esti singur singur.
Orele se duc si nu se mai intorc sigur.
Noapte cand se sting luminile se deschid cluburile si gurile rele barfesc figurile le...
Le-nvat din mers zi de zi pas cu pas vers cu vers
Nimic nu e ceea ce pare te simti asa de mic intr-un oras atat de mare mare.
Noapte si zi orasul e un camp de lupta pierzi sau castigi
Bine ai venit in Jungla![Alina Puscas ft Grasul XXL- Jungla]
Alteori o sa plangi de fericire daca reusesc
Si sa vrei sa plangi in locul lor daca dezamagesc
Acolo lasand toate certurile-n spate
Sa-nveti sa le tii parte chiar daca sti ca n-au dreptate
Acolo-n dreapta lor cu absolut orice pret
Sa-i vezi la fel cand toata lumea-i priveste cu dispret
Sa-ti investesti increderea fara s-astepti dobanda
Fara sa stai la panda ca-i poti pierde într-o secunda
Stiu ca ti-au jurat atatia ca le esti ca un frate
Dar cand a fost s-arate cati au stat cu tine spate-n spate
Cati daca i-ai ajutat si-au amintit de multumiri
Oricum lasa-i sa plece ca sunt doar simplii musafiri
Simpli trecatori... Ce au modele in viata
Ce vor sa fie altcineva in fiecare dimineata
Cat despre mine...Inteleg totul perfect
De-asta doar unora le strang mana cu respect[Vescan - Voi fi acolo]
Priveste`ma in ochi si spune`mi ce vezi
De fapt, ce poti sa vezi prin niste ochi verzi
Ma vezi pe mine a pasi spre alta lume
Vezi un copil vezi copilul din mine
Pe strazi goale parasite ca un suflet de sticla uitat
Un vant ce bate, si`o vreme rece
Acum stiu tot ce`i frumos repede trece
Acum stiu tot ce`i frumos repede trece
Si de ce tu? De ce asa? De ce nu poti fi altcumva?
De ce te ascunzi in mintea ta, iar pe mine ma uiti intr-un pat langa tine
In aer arunci niste vorbe inutile
Ai o multime de motive dar de fapt n`ai nimic
Suntem doar noi 2, intr-o camera plina de praf
La fel de goi in amintiri si`n fapte noi suntem praf.[Adda ft Teasta- Minti murdare facute praf]
Cand vei suferi cu tine voi fi
Si lacrimi iti voi trimite de Sus
Esti tot ce am iubit si ce voi iubi
Alaturi de ingeri de acum!
Nu am nimic in afara de tine
Esti tot ce in urma eu mai pot lasa
Tu pe pamant esti ingerul meu
De acum doar in ceruri mai poti fi a mea![3 sud est- Alaturi de ingeri]
Vine...peste tine...te ingheata
Ploaia te loveste in fata
Singur mereu
N-ai curajul sa crezi in tine
Poate de lumina se ascunde
Noaptea ce in tine patrunde
Singur stingher
Totul pare absurd si la fel [Spin - Ploaia]
Si eu ma inalt spre cer
Si simt ca te las ingerul meu
Cand ploaie va fi pe pamant
Tu vei sti ca despre tine cant
Cand soare va fi pe pamant
Tu vei sti...
Nu mi-a ramas nici-o speranta
Tu le-ai ars pe toate
Si cata dragoste ai ars nu vei afla vreodata
Iti amintesti de ziua-n care
Vroiam sa-ti daruiesc o floare?
Tu gingas mi-ai soptit ca pleci
Iar eu raman...[Dan Balan- Despre tine cant]
Ploua incet, incet,
Ploua si-mi este dor de ochii tai caprui
Sa mor imi e dor.
Te astept sa te intorci din nou la mine
Chipul tau si de ochii tai mi-e dor
Poza ta din sertar o scot
Nu ma uit la ea, nu pot
Zau, imi e greu.[ Cargo - daca ploaia s-ar opri]
Sentimentele nu pot fi puse pe balanta
Nu ne poate desparti nici o distanta
Suntem suflete pereche mereu in zbor
Am nevoie de tine ingerul meu pazitor
Sentimentele nu pot fi puse pe balanta
Nu ne poate desparti nici o distanta
Suntem suflete pereche mereu in zbor
Am nevoie de tine ingerul meu pazitor[Boosh- Sentimentele]
Buna.sper sa iti fie de folos.
Ce insemni tu pentru mine...
Chin si mangaiere...
Ploaie si zile senine...
Otrava si miere!
Nu mai stiu nici cine esti...
Ma urasti sau ma iubesti?!
Dulce - amar...
Mi-ai pus inima pe jar.
Din piept vreau s-o scot afar`
Mi-ai facut viata cosmar
Ma doare.
C-am la inima un chin
Cu tine am avut iubire cu venin
Nu vezi cat mi-e greu
Hai pune-te in locul meu!
Habibi, nu stiu ce mai vrei
Hai spune.
Habibi, sau te-ai plictisit de mine
Habibi, ce sa mai cred...
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