Era o emisiune pe Discovery Channel despre Football Hooligans (sau ceva de gen se chema) daca gasesti undeva emisiunea iti dai seama de la ce incepe. Oricum Hooligans au aparut in Anglia si de acolo s-au raspandit in toata lumea. Din cate stiu si din ce am mai vazut la aceea emisiune... razboiul din urma caruia s-a rupt Iugoslavia a provenit si din cauza Hooliganilor. Uite aici ce am gasit pe net sper ca intelegi engleza Football hooliganism in Croatia has seen riots over inter-ethnic resentments and the politics that were reignited by the breakup of the Yugoslav federation in the 1990s.[8] Two of the best known hooligan firms are Torcida (Hajduk Split) and Bad Blue Boys (Dinamo Zagreb).[10] However, the groups are not just hooligan firms; they are more like the South American Torcida supporters groups and Ultras groups, with organised Tifos and so on.
On 13 May 1990 (before the breakup of Yugoslavia) Serbian club Red Star Belgrade was in Zagreb to play Dinamo Zagreb at the Maksimir Stadium. Red Star brought over 3, 000 fans to the game with the late Željko Ražnatović (known as Arkan) a Serbian paramilitary leader being a prominent member. Before the match a number of small fights broke out. Police reinforcements soon arrived with armoured vehicles and water cannons, focusing and beating solely Dinamo's fans; the legendary reaction of the Dinamo's player Zvonimir Boban is when he kicked the policeman, defending Dinamo's fan beaten by the police. The fighting lasted for over an hour and hundreds of people were injured. Football hooliganism in Croatia is sometimes connected with racism and nationalism,[8] although the racist remarks, if any appear, are pointed solely to opposing club's players, never to own squad.
Huliganii fac toto felul de prostii pentru a distruge un meci de folbal, daca lor nu le convine ceva.acestea sunt prinsi adeseori de jandarmi fiind amendati si mai rau, batuti.asta este parerea mea dintre. sper ca am fost de ajutor., vot pleseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee thank