| anonim_4396 a întrebat:

"Când sunt lânga tine parcă nu mai am răbdare. Că aş vrea în fiecare zi să te strâng în braţe tare."
Cine imi traduce versurile de mai sus in engleza are funda! ♥

Răspuns Câştigător
| Gesara a răspuns:

"When there again if i have no patience. Every day i would love to hold you hard in my arms"

6 răspunsuri:
| thegatekeeper a răspuns:

De fapt, o varianta corecta de traducere este "When I'm by your side, it's like I have no more patience. I would like to squeeze you tight in my arms." Stop using the f***ing Google Translate! Nici macar nu are vreun sens asa-numita traducere.

| NoLoveNoStress a răspuns (pentru thegatekeeper):

Da, stiu. Cateodata Google Translate nu e bun. De aceea am pus intrebarea.

| Rihannax a răspuns:

Traducerile de mai jos sunt facute in google translate "when I'm with you I don't have patience no more.I wish evryday to hold you in my arms"

| mihaelaroxy a răspuns:

When there again if I have no patience. Every day I would love to hold you in my arms strong.

| DenisaxD a răspuns:

When i am with you it seems i don't have patience.I want to hold you in my arms everyday!

| maddalinutzza a răspuns:

"When there again if I have no patience. That every day I would hold you in my arms hard."