"When there again if i have no patience. Every day i would love to hold you hard in my arms"
De fapt, o varianta corecta de traducere este "When I'm by your side, it's like I have no more patience. I would like to squeeze you tight in my arms." Stop using the f***ing Google Translate! Nici macar nu are vreun sens asa-numita traducere.
Da, stiu. Cateodata Google Translate nu e bun. De aceea am pus intrebarea.
Traducerile de mai jos sunt facute in google translate "when I'm with you I don't have patience no more.I wish evryday to hold you in my arms"
When there again if I have no patience. Every day I would love to hold you in my arms strong.
When i am with you it seems i don't have patience.I want to hold you in my arms everyday!
"When there again if I have no patience. That every day I would hold you in my arms hard."
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