| FriendsShow a întrebat:

Caracterizare harap alb...in engleza

2 răspunsuri:
| DaNiElA_8352 a răspuns:

Prost o fi ala care iti face rolling on the floor

si in engleza da pretentios mai esti nu vrei si in spaniola?
intrebam si eu...
de ce nu citesti tu singur si apoi iti faci tu mai intai in romana si apoi traduci in engleza?
ca aici nimeni nu sta acum sa citeascaa in locul tau si sa iti faca tie temele

rolling on the floor fa ti singurr

| goldi a răspuns:

Harap-White like every Fat-Handsome of the folk tale is: the main character, being present in all the moments of the subject, positive, protagonist, real and not fabulous (it has no supernatural quality, G. Calinescu likened it to a flake from country due to its mentality). He is also a round character; it is not only the son of the emperor and the more endowed man than the others, but a complex being with defects and qualities. Although he is so much helped by others and can be considered by the innocent lecturer a simple puppet, his qualities are revealed in esoteric phrases: intelligent, wise, good, sociable, cheerful. Learn from mistakes, progress, and with each sequence is closer to the initiation sum. If the fairytale character is molded, Harap-Alb turns, evolves; the fairy-tale hero carols the world in search of brave deeds, while Harap-White aims at his spiritual perfection. Unlike the fairy-tale hero who is all-intelligent, wise, he follows the advice, Harap-Alb is characterized by psychic instability (he does not respect the father's command) and has no experience, appearing after appearances. It is also a three-dimensional character that comes out of the pattern, surprises you (as when you give the horse to the head in the head). The journey he makes to become an emperor is an initiation of the flame in order to form him to become the leader of a family he is about to establish. He goes through a period of learning other things than usual, learning other aspects of an unknown world until then, the experience of the new adult. Although endowed with great qualities, he also has human weaknesses, moments of sadness and despair, the reward of the winner, all leading to his accomplishment as a man. The deeds of the hero unfold to the limit of the human, the samples that go beyond the realm of the real are passed through the other characters endowed with supernatural powers.