Am trei genuri de filme preferate: romantice, horror şi psihologice.
Unele dintre ele sunt: "Memento", "Saw", "Remember Me", "Tres metros sobre el cielo ", "A Walk To Remember", "The Grudge Series", "Shutter (2004)", "The Ring", "The Hunger Games", "Mirrors".
Mie sincer imi plac cele de comedie, drama, hot si horror, de asemenea si serialele si atunci ar fi:
•Comedie[cu tenta erotica]:
-Meet the fockers
-Jackie chan [toate filmele cu el in special Drunken Master]
-The 40 Year Old Virgin
-Sex Drive
-American Pie
-Epic Movie
-Hero Movie [Dragonfly]
-Dracula (dead&loving)
-My boss's daughter
-Hachiko a dog's story
-Fluke o minune de catel
-The notebook
-The last song
-A walk to remember
-My life without me
-The thing
-Scary Movie
-The ring
-The exorcism of Emilly Rose
-The exorcist
-When a stranger calls
-My bloody valentine
-The grudge
-Two evil eyes
-Warm bodies [iubitul meu e zoombie]
-When the lights went out
-Sillent Hill
-The hole
-Casa celor 1000 de cadavre
-Ultima casa la stanga
-Tomie: Anrimiteddo
-The devil inside
-A nightmare on Elm street
-Sillent house
-The caller
-The shrine
-Paranormal Activity
-Pact cu diavolita
-Lie with me
-The Vampire Diaries
-True Blood
Si cam atat .
Prefer filmele cu o actiune romantica, dar calma, linistita.De exemplu : A cinderella story, Another cinderella story, Angus thongs and perfect snogging si mai multe de acest gen.
Filme de groaza, ca Zombieland, si comedie, ca Gradinita lui taticu'. Preferatul meu preferat este Puicuta cu cocosel.E foarte amuzant!
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