Princess Protection Program
Camp Rock
Prison Break
Sonny with a Chance
Ramona and Beezus
Arthur et la vengeance de Maltazard
Another Cinderella Story
Horton Hears a Who
Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie
What's Stevie Thinking
Brain Zapped
Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial by Fire
Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over
What Boys Want 2
Demi Lovato:
Camp Rock 1, 2
As the Bell rings
Princess Protection Program
Sonny with a Chance
Selena Gomez:
The wizards of the wearverly place
-II- :the movie
Princess Protection Program
Another Cinderella Story
What's Stevie Thinking?
Programul de salvare a printeselor si steluta norocoasa sau ceva in genu de pe diney
in rest nu prea stiu daca au jucat in filme
Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience (2009)
Genre: Documentary, Music
Starring: Demi Lovato, Joe Jonas, Kevin Jonas, Nick Jonas, Taylor Swift
Princess Protection Program (2009)
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family
Starring: Demi Lovato, Jamie Chung, Kevin G. Schmidt, Nicholas Braun, Samantha Droke, Selena Gomez
Demi lovato: camp rock, princess protection program
si selena: What's Stevie Thinking?, Another Cinderella Story, Wizards of Waverly Place the movie
Barney & Friends
As The Bell Rings
Sonny With a Chance
Wizards of Waverly Place
Ramona and Beezus
Princess Protection Program
What's Stevie Thinking
Selena Gomez-Programul de protectie a printeselo, Magicienii din Waverly Place[serial, film], mai sunt si altele.
Demi Lovato-Sonny with a chance, Camp Rock, Programul de protectie a printeselor
Princess protection program, camp rock, wizard of warrely place:the movie, another cindrella story si trebuie sa apara camp rock:the final jam :d. cam atat e. demi a jucat in seriale selena a avut roluri secundare.
sper ca ti'am fost de folos:*
Intra pe si acolo o sa afli in ce filme au jucat, si in ce filme o sa joace! sper ca ti-am fost de ajutor:*
Programul de protectie al printeselor, Camp rock, sony si steluta ei norocuasa, magicienii din weverly plece, cand era mica selena a jucat intr-un episod dintr-un desen cu un dinozaur altele nu mai stiu
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