Tuberculoza, Terabyte, terabit, two bastards, terbiu (element chimic), throw back, Text back, categoria TB la carnetul de conducere pentru - troleibuz, Temperatura Bazala (la sarcina femeilor), tranzistor bipolar.
- teeny bopper (TB technically means "teeny bopper". This term refers to not only girls but the male gender also. It refers to kids who are immature and have no common sense or maturity)
-Toke Buds ( smoke marijuana -ex: "We're going to TB this weekend")
-two bellies
- Twerk Break (ex: "Hey I'm going to take a TB, see you later.")
-That/The Bastard (ex: TB stole my car!)
-Talkin Bout
-Typical biddy (expl: Biddy ofcourse meaning female. the phrase is used when a female(biddy), does something that usually only females do or when they a female does something that usually annoys a man. this phrase is not limited to males, females can use this to describe other females.)
-Testo-Booster ( A thing (e.g. a sexy girl) that will spike the endogenous testosterone production in men (acute), just by beeing sexy.)
-The Bitch (A way of referring to a person you don't like without them knowing you're talking bad about them. ex: TB is such a dumb f***, I cannot stand her at all!)
- tank body (Someone with a tankish body has no attractive qualities, flat from the front and back. TB's are usually really insecure about them selves, therefore messing around with guys alot.)
-turd blossom ( when it is used to refer to your girlfriend's little brother. Used interchangably with "teebs" and "teebster".)
-true banger (a t.b. may or may not be a player but he or she definitely knows how to get down in bed. often used to describe african-american men. ex: She complains about her boyfriend but in the end she's still with him because he's a t.b. )
- Totally bang-able, the Banger (He hits anything he sees, he is TB (the banger.))
- tolerance break ( An abbreviation in pot-smoking culture for "tolerance break." It is a period of time designated to free frequent cannabis smokers of the tolerance that builds up after long periods of use. There is no certain time for a TB. For some lighter smokers a few days does the trick. For heavier smokers, sometimes a week or two is better. ex: "Fu**, pack up a bowl then. 2 days is a long enough TB for me anyways.")
- when a girl is fat it looks like she has TWO BUTTS (that girls so big it looks like she has TB)
- Tiny Bulge (Often seen when a male wears tight pants)
Depinde in ce context ai vazut aceste doua litere. Daca te uiti la un meci de tenis si vezi TB, atunci cu siguranta se refera la Tie-Break (egalitate la 6 game-uri intr-un set, castigator al setului fiind, de aici incolo, cel care ajunge primul la 7 puncte, cu conditia sa fie cel putin doua diferenta).
Partea a-2a :
-Temporary Boo (Kicking it with someone for 1 to 3 mths. Anything more than 3 mths is FUBU (Full time boo.)
- Toronto Boy (Usually involves gel based hairdos and seemingly expensive clothes including leather (or pleather) jackets. Often seen outside clubs downtown with groups of other TBs dressed identical.ex: "The sidewalk outside your building was super packed with TBs waiting to get into that club.")
-tired buns/tired butt (caused by sitting too long. ex: I gotta stand up. I have TB.)
- titty bar (i.e. strip club) - ex: Tom: What do you want to do tonight man? Drew: TB!
- Teleporting Bastard (A tease reference for anybody with the ability to teleport, or the tendancy to appear out of nowhere. In this context it is short-term for 'Teleporting Bastard'; Also unrelatedly short-term for tuberculosis.) ex:Scorpion of the game Mortal Kombat(MK) is an example of a TB in video games.
- Taco Bell ( Best fast food place ever! ex:Lets go hit up TB and get some of the best food ever.)
- Total Broadcast (Occurs when a song that was once uncommon becomes mainstream. ex: When I saw 'Let's Dance To Joy Division' on MTV, I quickly diagnosed it with TB.)
- two beauts (An acronym describing a good set of tits on a women. ex:Marty: Man, that chick has tb!
Matt: WTF is that?
Marty: Two beauts.)
- Totally Bitchin' (ex:God damn Ashlee and Kat are so TB I wish I was as cool as them!)
- tru brothaz (ex: they are tb from westside nYAH)
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