| Kolp a întrebat:

Cele mai necunoscute sporturi din lume

Funda la cel de care n-am nici un habar:Xbig grin:*

Răspuns Câştigător
| Georgel26 a răspuns:

Salut~! Uite aici o pagina web cu tot ce vrei :))

* Air Racing — small planes and crazy pilots.
* Apple Race — where else but on the Apple isle of Tasmania.
* Arm Wrestling — big biceps competition
* Basque Pelota — quick handball.
* Beard & Moustache Championships — nice facial hair
* Bed Racing — racing in your sleep.
* Beer Can Regatta — recycling empties.
* Beer Sculling — get it down fast.
* Birdman Rallies — taking to the sky
* Bog Snorkeling — fancy some bog diving?
* Boomerang Throwing — don't come back.
* Bossaball — hybrid trampoline based sport
* Camel races — speed boats of the desert.
* Camel Wrestling — two male camels up against each other.
* Canal Jumping — vaulting over a dutch canal.
* Cane Toad Racing — jump to it.
* Canine Freestyle Dancing — doggy dancing.
* Cheese Rolling — get yourself and the cheese to the bottom of a hill.
* Chess Boxing — mixing brains and brawn.
* Clog Cobbing — throwing a clog.
* Club Swinging — artistic throwing up.
* Coal Carrying Championship — only for those with a strong back.
* Cockroach Racing — right there till the end
* Conker Smashing — you have to be a nut.
* Cotswold Olimpicks — ancient games
* Cow Racing — moo too.
* Crazy Golf — also known as mini golf or putt-putt
* Cup Stacking — a sport involving stacking of cups.
* Curling — chess on ice
* Demolition Derbies — crashing fun.
* Disc Sports — a fun game turned competitive.
* Duck Race — thousands of rubber duckies in the river.
* Dunny Derby — another meaning of the runs.
* Dwarf throwing — why so grumpy?
* Elephant Polo — out of control.
* Egg Rolling — an Easter tradition
* Extreme Ironing — who said ironing is difficult?
* Goanna Pulling — a version of tug-of-war.
* Gurning Contest — pull a face and win.
* Hairiest Back — who has the most hair on their back.
* Hemp Olympics — oh man!
* Henley on Todd Regatta — where did the water go?
* Horseshoes — having a toss.
* Hot Dog Eating Championships — don't try this at home
* Jeu de paume — early tennis
* Joggling — combining running and juggling
* Kabaddi — hold your breath in this Asian sport
* Kissing Competitions — unusual events such as underwater and basketball kissing
* Land Diving — dry land bungy jumping
* Lawn Mower Racing — carving up the lawn.
* Lizard Racing Championships — flat out like a lizard
* Milk Carton Regatta — have you had your milk today?
* Monster Truck Rallies — big wheels to get excited about
* Moonrock Throwing — they go further on the moon
* Mud Olympics — getting down and dirty
* Nude Sports - footloose and free
* Oil Wrestling — slip sliding away
* Orange Races — racing oranges down a hill
* Paper-Scissors-Rock World Championships
* Parkour — leaps and bounds
* Pea Shooting — food fight
* Pie Eating Contest — changes in gluttony
* Pig Racing and Diving — pigs really can fly
* Pooh Sticks Championship — not so sticky event
* Raft Racing — racing on the water
* Real Ale Wobble and Ramble — the best way to enjoy a ride or walk - inebriated
* Redneck Games — southern alternative to the Olympics including a host of unusual sports.
* Ringball — a variation of netball popular in South Africa.
* Road Bowling — look out cars
* Rogaining — follow the flags
* Rope Climbing — escape sport.
* Roque — like croquet.
* Royal Shrovetide Football — all in
* Running with the Bulls — mix it up with the bulls in Pamplona in Spain.
* Running of the Nudes — alternative to the bull run
* Scotland Island 500 — Sydney's annual aquatic dog race
* Scottish Highland Games — what's up your haggis?
* Sepak Takraw — volleyball with the feet
* Sheep Counting — puts you to sleep
* Sheep Races — catch me if you can.
* Shin Kicking — kicking battle
* Stair Climbing — race to the top.
* Stinging Nettle Challenge — why would you eat something with the word 'stinging' in it?
* Straw Race — carrying bales of straw
* Street Luge — racing downhill without the soft ice to cushion your fall.
* Swamp Football — getting bogged down in defense.
* Tar Barrels — running on fire
* Toe Wrestling — battle of the big toes.
* Tug of War — a classic fairground battle.
* Tumbling — head over heals.
* Two-Handed Tennis — a variation of the popular game
* Ultimate Frisbee — fun in the parca.
* Underwater Hockey — melted ice?
* Underwater Rugby — a new definition of playing in the wet.
* Wife Carrying Festival — all for beer.
* Woolsack Races — carrying sacks of wool up and down a hill
* Worm Charming — what?
* Yabbie Races — an Australian tradition.
* Zorb Ball — rolling down the hill.

6 răspunsuri:
| zalisa a răspuns:

Statu' cu fundu pe scaun
Mâncatu' de napolitane
Ridicatu' lingurei de la farfurie la gura,

| Claudio a răspuns:

Downhill (coborare de pe munte cu bicicleta) happy

| SensiBlu a răspuns:

Aruncatu cu privirea

| Christina a răspuns:


| rarress a răspuns:

El a zis cele mai necunoscute sporturi din lume nu cele mai cunoscute.