| looovee a întrebat:

Cine are ceva ideii la asa tema de eseu (in romana, engleza)

2 răspunsuri:
| Maidan_Cristina_1994 a răspuns:

Word was that who set us free from the handcuffs of animals life. It is a way of expressing our thoughts, joys, wishes, our feelings to the whole world through the words you may see the human’s soul and to know him better.
For human being the words are a more dangerous gun than a knife because sometimes they can make you happy, but sometimes they can hurt u very deep, especially when they were said out of anger. If they were said, there is no way to get them back. As you cannot stop the thrown stone so you cannot stop the spoken word. It is not good at all to say hurt words because the wound done of them will not be healed like a knife wound. There are moments when even a word not said at his place can make your life awful. But a good word said kindly has the power to open iron doors, to melt a stone heart and sometimes can be a way of healing a sick soul.
That’s why you must always watch what you say and stay away from hurt words. Before saying something, first of all think about the consequences and don’t let your mouth to say something you didn’t want to.