Nu trebuie sa faci asta. Pur si simplu intri iar pe hi5, iti pui id-ul si parola si iti va aparea optiunea de deblocare a contului.
Frequently Asked Question
How do I "unblock" photos from hi5? I cannot see any photos on hi5
If you have used the Firefox web browser's controls to block photos or images from hi5, you will need to "unblock" them in order to see photos on the site. Some users do this by mistake when they "right-click" on user photos. Here are some instructions:
Firefox browser: Choose Tools, then Options, then Content. Then click the Exceptions button next to Load Images Automatically. Remove from the block list by choosing "Remove site." Save your change. You should now be able to view photos on hi5.
Si eu am avut aceeasi problema
Si mie mi s-au blocat dezinstala browserul pentru ca nu merge am incercat si eu
Si eu am patit nu stiu cum se deblocheaza... dar nu stiu cum sa fac sa-mi apara.
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