| YoungSteve a întrebat:

Cv filme cu vampiri+dragost mai stiti? (nu seriale ) (fara twillight Van helsing) funda tonguehappy

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| Ioanaa_5834 a răspuns:

1.Nosferatu: Eine Symphonie des Gravens (1922)
2. Dracula: Dead and Loving It (1995)
3. Underworld (2003)
4.Blade (1998)
5.From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
6.Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992)
7. Dracula (1958)
8.Interview with a Vampire (1994)
9. Lost Boys (1987)
10.John Carpenter’s Vampires (1998)
11."30 Days of Night" (2007)
12."The Lost Boys" (1987)
1. 1. La piovra (1984) 9. 1
2. Gossip Girl - Gossip Girl: Intrigi la New York (2007) 8. 7
3. The Notebook - Jurnalul (2004) 8. 7
4. Gone with the Wind - Pe aripile vantului (1939) 8. 7
5. Titanic (1997) 8. 7
6. A Walk to Remember - O iubire de neuitat (2002) 8. 7
7. Beauty and the Beast (1991) 8. 7
8. Grey's Anatomy - Anatomia lui Grey (2005) 8. 7
9. The Illusionist - Iluzionistul (2006) 8. 7
10. If Only (2004) 8. 7
11. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Strania poveste a lui Benjamin Button (2008) 8. 6
12. The Vampire Diaries (2009) 8. 6
13. Lady and the Tramp - Doamna si Vagabondul (1955) 8. 6
14. Mr. Nobody (2009) 8. 6
15. Friends (1994) 8. 6
16. Troy - Troia (2004) 8. 6
17. Vita è bella, La - Viata e frumoasa (1997) 8. 6
18. Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs - Ice Age 3 - Epoca de gheata 3: Aparitia dinozaurilor (2009) 8. 6
19. Memoirs of a Geisha - Memoriile unei Gheise (2005) 8. 6
20. Ghost - Fantoma mea iubita (1990) 8. 5
21. WALL·E (2008) 8. 5
22. Shrek (2001) 8. 5
23. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - Printul Persiei: Nisipurile Timpului (2010) 8. 5
24. Meet Joe Black - Intalnire cu Joe Black (1998) 8. 5
25. The Proposal - Vrei sa te insori cu mine (2009) 8. 4
26. Sweet November - Idila de noiembrie (2001) 8. 4
27. Bambi (1942) 8. 4
28. Edward Scissorhands - Edward Maini-de-foarfeca (1990) 8. 4
29. The Philadelphia Story - Poveste din Philadelphia (1940) 8. 4
30. The Lake House - Casa de langa lac (2006) 8. 4
31. August Rush (2007) 8. 4
32. Charlie St. Cloud (2010) 8. 4
33. The Gold Rush - Goana dupa aur (1925) 8. 4
34. Bruce Almighty - Dumnezeu pentru o zi (2003) 8. 4
35. Deja Vu - Dincolo de trecut (2006) 8. 4
36. The Lion King - Regele Leu (1994) 8. 4
37. Slumdog Millionaire - Vagabondul milionar (2008) 8. 4
38. Love Story (1970) 8. 4
39. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Alba ca Zapada si cei sapte pitici (1937) 8. 3
40. Step Up 2 the Streets - Dansul Dragostei 2 (2008) 8. 3
41. The Adventures of Robin Hood - Aventurile lui Robin Hood (1938) 8. 3
42. Step Up - Dansul dragostei (2006) 8. 3
43. It's a Boy Girl Thing (2006) 8. 3
44. Pride & Prejudice - Mandrie si prejudecata (2005) 8. 3
45. Notorious (1946) 8. 3
46. Corpse Bride - Mireasa moarta (2005) 8. 3
47. The Tudors - Dinastia Tudorilor (2007) 8. 3
48. Himmel über Berlin, Der (1987) 8. 3
49. The Ugly Truth - Adevarul gol-golut (2009) 8. 3
50. Dirty Dancing (1987) 8. 3
51. Liceenii (1987) 8. 3
52. Twilight - Amurg (2008) 8. 3
53. Sleeping Beauty - Frumoasa adormita (1959) 8. 3
54. Cinderella - Cenusareasa (1950) 8. 3
55. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Stralucirea eterna a mintii neprihanite (2004) 8. 3
56. The Last of the Mohicans - Ultimul Mohican (1992) 8. 3
57. It's a Wonderful Life - O viata minunata (1946) 8. 3
58. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Harry Potter 6 : Harry Potter si Printul Semipur (2009) 8. 3
59. P. S. I Love You - P. S. Te iubesc (2007) 8. 3
60. Extemporal la dirigentie (1987) 8. 3
61. As Good as It Gets - Mai bine nu se poate (1997) 8. 3
62. Roman Holiday - Vacanta la Roma (1953) 8. 2
63. Pretty Woman - Frumusica (1990) 8. 2
64. Arn - Riket vid vägens *** - Arn: The Kingdom at Road's End (2008) 8. 2
65. 50 First Dates - Mereu la prima intalnire (2004) 8. 2
66. From Here to Eternity - De aici in eternitate (1953) 8. 2
67. Letters to Juliet (2010) 8. 2
68. Somewhere in Time - Undeva, candva (1980) 8. 2
69. Remember Me (2010) 8. 2
70. Pride and Prejudice (1995) 8. 2
71. Singin' in the Rain - Cantand in ploaie (1952) 8. 2
72. Ôdishon (1999) 8. 2
73. The Apartment - Apartamentul (1960) 8. 2
74. Stardust - Pulbere de stele (2007) 8. 2
75. What Women Want - Ce-si doresc femeile (2000) 8. 2
76. The Remains of the Day - Ramasitele zilei (1993) 8. 2
77. The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (1998) 8. 2
78. Harold and Maude - Harold si Maude (1971) 8. 2
79. Dear John (2010) 8. 2
80. The English Patient - Pacientul englez (1996) 8. 2
81. Step Up 3D - Dansul dragostei 3D (2010) 8. 2
82. What Happens in Vegas... - Mariaj de Vegas (2008) 8. 2
83. Wuthering Heights - La rascruce de vanturi (1939) 8. 2
84. Rebel Without a Cause - Rebel fara cauza (1955) 8. 1
85. Giant - Uriasul (1956) 8. 1
86. Breakfast at Tiffany's - Mic dejun la Tiffany (1961) 8. 1
87. The Princess and the Frog - Printesa si broscoiul (2009) 8. 1
88. Chocolat - Ciocolata cu dragoste (2000) 8. 1
89. City of Angels - Ingerul Pazitor (1998) 8. 1
90. Around the World in 80 Days - Ocolul Pamantului in 80 de zile (1989) 8. 1
91. Doctor Zhivago - Doctor Jivago (1965) 8. 1
92. Twin Peacasa (1990) 8. 1
93. Bringing Up Baby - Leopardul Suzanei (1938) 8. 1
94. The Holiday - Vacanta (2006) 8. 1
95. Legends of the Fall - Legendele toamnei (1994) 8. 1
96. The Terminal - Terminalul (2004) 8. 1
97. Cold Mountain (2003) 8. 1
98. The Little Mermaid - Mica Sirena (1989) 8. 1
99. Mr. & Mrs. Smith - Dl. si Dna. Smith (2005) 8. 1
100. The Princess & the Marine - Printesa si soldatul (2001) 8. 1

1 răspuns:
| seby19 a răspuns:

Interviu cu un vampir mi s-a parut foarte bun si m-a tinut lipit de monitor pana la final.

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