*Dragostea nu tine de vointa, dragostea e un sentiment. Daca oamenii ar putea hotarâ singuri de cine sa se indragosteasca, viata ar fi mult mai simpla, dar mai putin magica.
*Dragostea e atunci cand nu vrei sa mergi la culcare pentru ca realitatea e mai ceva ca in visele tale…
*Dragostea e ca o flacara care lumineaza si incalzeste totul in jur. Dar daca te apropii prea mult, s-ar putea sa-ti arzi aripile.
*Ingerii din cer te-au chemat la judecata pentru ca mi-ai furat inima, mi-ai invadat gandurile, mi-ai furat visele si mi-ai deturnat tot sensul vietii. Sentinta este o viata intreaga alaturi de mine. Cum ai vrea sa pledezi, vinovata sau nevinovata? (uv been called b4 cupids court 4 stealin my heart, tresspassin in my dreams and robin me of my senses, uv been sentenced 2 a lifetime with me, how do u plead?)
*Cele mai frumoase perechi din lumea asta:
Luna & noaptea
Privighetoarea & cantecul ei
Trandafirul & dragostea
Tu & zambetul tau
Tu & eu.
Continua sa zambesti si sa ma iubesti.
*(Most wonderful pairs in the world are:
*E trist cand o iubesti/far’a putea spera,/dar mult mai trist/cand nu-ai curaj sa-i spui/ce simte inima ta.
(It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return, but what hurts more is to love someone, and never find the courage to let them know how you feel.)
*Am cunoscut multe fete/pana sa te-ntalnesc pe tine/ Dar pana acum n-am cunoscut/o fata asa dulce ca tine. (I have liked many but loved very few. Yet no-one has been as sweet as you. )
*Daca un inger si un demon s-ar indragosti unul de celalalt, ar putea ei transcede Raiul si Iadul? Ar putea ingerul sa renunte la aripi? Ar putea demonul sa stea in lumina?
*Singurul leac pentru iubire este sa iubesti mai mult. (There’s no remedy for love but to love more.)
*Se spune ca iubirea este cel mai grozav sentiment din lume, dar experienta dovedeste ca cel mai minunat sentiment din lume il traiesti doar cand te indragostesti de persoana potrivita. Nu te grabi sa iubesti pana nu esti sigur.
*Danseaza ca si cum nu nimeni nu te-ar vedea, canta ca si cum nimeni nu te-ar asculta, iubeste fara teama ca te-ar putea rani cineva si traieste fiecare zi ca si cum ar fi ultima din viata ta.
(Dance like no one’s watching; sing like no one’s listening; love like you can’t get hurt, and live like there’s no tomorrow.)
*Nu exista suferinta mai mare ca atunci cand porti cu tine in suflet o iubire nemarturisita.
*Nu te plange ca trandafirii au spini, bucura-te ca ei exista.
*Daca ai sta in fata oglizii cu o duzina de trandafiri in mana ai putea sa vezi cele mai frumoase 13 lucruri din lumea asta. (If you stood in front of a mirror and held up a dozen roses you would see the 13 most beautiful things in the world.)
*Poate ca nu sunt cea mai draguta, cea mai desteapta si cea mai bogata fata. Dar cu siguranta sunt cea mai norocoasa pentru ca ma iubesti. (I may not be the prettiest, smartest or richest girl, but I’m the luckiest because I got you!)
*E mult mai usor sa transformi prietenia in dragoste decat dragostea in prietenie. (It’s much easier to turn friendship into love, than love into friendship.)
*Sa ma bucur pentru ca suntem prieteni sau sa fiu trista pentru ca mai mult de atat nu vom fi niciodata? (Should I smile ‘cause we are friends or cry ‘cause that ‘s all we’ll ever be?)
*I wanna take you away… / let’s escape into the music… / dj let it play…/ I just can’t refuse it/ like the way you do this… / please don’t stop the music…
*I’m scared to fall in love, scared to fall fast, because every time I fall in love… it never seems to last.
*Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was choice, but falling in love with you was completely out of my control.
*Prefer sa ma urăsti pentru ceea ce sunt, decat sa ma iubesti pentru ceea ce nu sunt. (I preffer to be hated for what I am, than loved for what I’m not.)
*Dreams are for dreaming/ So I dream of you./ Hearts are for beating/Mine beats only for you./ Angels are for keeping. /May I keep you?
*You’ll never guess what would I do/ just for the pleasure of a moment with you.
*You can fall from the sky, you can fall from a tree, but the best way to fall is in love with me.
*The best part of being in love is when you just love a person and be happy about it.
I can forgive/ but I can’t forget/ I hope you know/ You’ve lost my respect…
*Oamenii spun ca iubirea e magie. Dar magia e doar iluzie. (People say: "Love is magic." But isn’t magic just an illusion?)
*Imi place sa ne plimbam prin ploaie. Cel putin, in ploaie nu poti sa-mi vezi lacrimile. (At least, in the rain you can’t see my tears.)
*My heart is broken. I guess I can’t fix everything.*We must get hurt to grow,
We must fail to know.
Wash away your tear
And think clear.
*What’s wrong? Nothing is right.
*Sa ma bucur pentru ca suntem prieteni sau sa fiu trista pentru ca mai mult de atat nu vom fi niciodata? (Should I smile ‘cause we are friends or cry ‘cause that ‘s all we’ll ever be?)*Dreaming doesn’t hurt. It hurts more to wake up.
*In viata fiecarei fete exista un baiat pe care nu-l va putea uita niciodata. (In every girl’s life there’s a guy she’ll never forget. )
*Credeam ca iubirea noastra e unica sub soare. Dar pentru tine n-am fost decat o fata oarecare. (I thought our love was a precious pearl. But for you I was just another girl.)
*I’m still waiting for the boy who’s never going to come back.*Sick of crying, tired of trying. I’m smiling, but inside my heart is dying.
*Totul e perfect, exceptand faptul ca m-am saturat de minciunile tale. (Everythig’s perfect, except the fact that I’m tired of lies.)
*Sa stii ca nu-mi lipsesti. Imi lipseste doar cel care credeam ca esti. (I don’t miss you, I miss the person I thought you were. Don’t come back hoping I’ll be there.)
*Though I laugh and say "I’m happy", can’t you see there’s no one who misses you more than me?
*There’s no grater agony than bearing an untold love story inside you.*I hide my tears when I say your name,/but the pain in my heart is stil the same.
*Dragostea incepe cu un zambet, infloreste cu un sarut si se termina cu o lacrima. (Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear.
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