| iiooaannaa26061994 a întrebat:

Dau funda cine ma ajuta cu traducerea din romana in engleza? Formatia mea preferata se numeste Proconsul.Este o formatie de muzica usoara infiintata in anul 1999.Formatia este formata din 5 membrii dintre care solistul principal este Bodo.Proconsul este una dintre cele mai apreciate trupe rock romanesti.Trupa a debutat in anul 1999 cu piesa "De la rusi", devenita rapid un hit solid.Formatia s-a remarcat de atunci prin textul satiric si timbrul puternic al solistului Bodo, concretizandu-si stilul inconfundabil:pop-rock/grunge/alternative. Piesele mele preferate sunt:"Cerul","Alaturi de tine","Inger de lumina","Dor de tine","Te visez","Povestea noastra".

2 răspunsuri:
| 95Cosmin a răspuns:

My favorite formation is Proconsul.It is a formation with light music made in 1999.In this formation there are 5 members: the main soloist is Bodo.Proconsul is one of the most appreciated rock band in Romania.This band has started in 1999 with the song ``De la rusi`` quickly became a hit.The band was noted when the text satirical and powerful timbre Bodo singer, materialized and unmistakable style: pop-rock/grunge/alternative.My favorite songs are:''Heaven beside you'','''','''','' angel of light I miss you'','''','' dream Our story''. Mult noroc happy

| YoanaYo a răspuns:

My favourite band is "Proconsul". Is a slight music band established in 1999. The band contains 5 members, the main vocalist being Bodo. "Procnosul" is one of the most apreciated rock from Romania. The band started in 1999 with "De la rusi", song wich became quickly a solid hit. The band came to the fore then by the edge text and with Bodo's powerful voice, incarnating his unmistakable style: pop/rock/grunge/alternative.
My favourites hits are: "Cerul(The Sky)", "Alaturi de tine(Beside You)", "Inger de Lumina(Light Angel)", Dor de Tine(Miss You)", "Te Visez(I Dream You)", "Povestea Noastra(Our Story)".

Sper ca te ajuta... succes! happy