Pai imi plac: Avatar, Saw1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.The grudge1, 2, 3.Casa celor 13 fantome, Twilight, New moon, Singur acasa1, 2, 3, 4, American pie all! in special american pie etc...
Pirates of the caraibbean, law abiding citizen, the ugly truth, orphan, sherlock holmes, it's complicated and more...
Pai de groaza ar fi The Unborned. Cel mai bun la storyline din toate timpurile:Avatar.Comedie:Yes man. Ceva mai romantic:Twilight
Piratii din caraibe ( abia astept " on stranger tides")
secret window( jooooooohnnyyyy )
sleepy hollow
sweeney todd ( weeee aaaaall deserve to diie, even you mrs lovett, even i!)
sex and the city (samantha e prea tare)
si muuulte altele
De groaza :The Ring, The Grundge, The Messengers, The World Beyond, The Eye, Exorcise, Excorcise of Emilly Rose
Comedie:Little Man, American Pie 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Scary Movie(si groaza si comedie )
Drama:Late love, Snow Cake,
Actiune/Istoric:Ioana D'arc
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