Of the many different relationships we form over the course of the life span, the relationship between parent and child is among the most important. Not surprisingly, students of child development have devoted considerable attention to the parent-child relationship, in order to understand how it develops and functions over the lifespan. Among the many questions researchers examine are those concerning normative changes in the parent-child relationship over the course of development (e. g., How does the parent-child relationship change during adolescence?), the impact of variations in the parent-child relationship on the child's behavior and functioning (e. g., Which types of discipline are most effective during the preschool years?), and the effects of the parent-child relationship on the parent (e. g., How are adults affected by parenthood?).
A baby cries, a parent feeds her; a baby snuggles, a parent hugs her. Day after day, night after night, mothers and fathers feed, burp, wash, change, dress, and hold their babies. Out of these interactions, feelings and expectations grow. The baby feels distressed and hungry, then satisfied; the parent feels tenderness, joy, annoyance, exhaustion, pleasure. Gradually, the baby begins to expect that her parent will care for her when she cries. Gradually, parents respond to and even anticipate their baby's needs. These elements form the basis for a developing relationship, a combination of behaviors, interactions, feelings, and expectations that are unique to a particular parent and a particular child.
By the end of the first year, most infants who are cared for in families develop an attachment relationship, usually with the primary caretaker. This relationship is central to the child's development
Hmm ceva destul de greu dar totusi simplu daca vrei iti dau un ex :
sa szicem ca nu ai o relatie prea buna cu tatal tau dar in schmb mama iti e aproape tu de ex iti faci un iubit/iubita despre care nu ii zici nimic tatalui tau si el afla si apoi se creeaza o revolta si pana la urma tatal tau afla cine esti cu adevarat si apoi va simtiti ca de minune impreuna
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