Si da, m-a durut. Era de stiut ca iar am de pierdut.
It's stupid how your ex says to you "I'm here if you ever need me"... Where the hell were you when we were togheter and I needed you?
Honey, i got heels higher than your standards.
I don't know what we are.Sometimes I feel like we're friends, sometimes I feel like we're more than friends but sometimes I feel like I'm just a stranger to you.
Poate ca de când ai plecat viata mea nu mai e la fel. Dar e viata mea si sunt condamnata sa o traiesc; indiferent de persoanele care îmi sunt sau nu alaturi!
Doare sa spui adio unei persoane careia aproape ca i-ai oferit toata viata ta; stiind ca daca pleaca nu ar mai fi la fel.
Sper ca te ajuta
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