When I look at your picture I just want to turn off the monitor. No, I changed my mind, I just want to remove the PC from the mains!
Cand ma uit la poza ta imi vine sa sting monitorul. Ba nu, m-am razgandit, imi vine sa scot pc din priza!
I do not feel you ***, is to hard to understand?
Nu am chef de tine tarfo, e chiar asa de greu de priceput?
You're so full of yourself like grass on a football field. I do not mean to land in Romania as there breeze beats.
Esti la fel de plina de tine cum e iarba pe-un teren de fotbal. Nu ma refer la terenurile din Romania ca acolo bate vantul.
Hey girl, nothing of the brain if you do not know how to use it!
Hei fato, degeaba ai creier daca nu stii cum sa ti-l folosesti!
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