Uite am mai gasit cateva :
perfection is boring. imperfections are what make things interesting.
broken hearts hurt more than broken bones
"Sexy doesn't have to be a blonde tan girl showing off her goodies" ~Hayley Williams
Yeah. Everybody hates me.
Can't stop making bad decisions
Even monsters have their pleasures.
I feel like i'm far away from this world.
im the one you love to hate.
Stop wasting your time on people who don't love you
I'm not a nerd, I'm just smarter than you.
Don't stop believin'
Please kill me .
SMILE! Why? Because you can.
others are great, but you can be greater
Iti plac?
Mulţumesc de răspunsuri, dar nu sunt tocmai ce căutam . Însă mă voi ţine de promisiune şi voi da vot
. Aştept răspunsuri în continuare pentru a putea acorda răspunsul câştigător!
What do tou see? I see an empty place in your heart.That's right.Fill it with your love.:XCreatie proprie Fundita?
Love is worth only a MOTHER
Never look back and never think twice!
Nothing can stop the power of my dreams
If I promise not to kill you, can I have a hug?
probably okay... just bored to stupefaction =(
That do not kill me, can only make me stronger!
Life makes us stronger everyday...
Color my life with a chaos of trouble.
Live in a moment!
Forever may not be long enough...
A friend is someone who knows when to shout, and when to hold you in their arms and let you cry.
Iata=)... sper sa-ti placa