A good deed never goes unpunished
pe cine nu lasi sa moara nu te lasa sa traiesti
facts speak louder than words
faptele vb mai mult decat cuvintele
better late than never,but better never late
mai bine mai tarziu dacat niciodata dar,...mai bine nicodata mai tarziu
did u belive that i will love you, u wouldn't belive that you will love me,
n-ai fi crezut ca o sa te iubesc,n-ai fi crezut ca ma vei iubi
Even the most beautiful rose has thorns.
chiar si cel mai frumos trandafir are spini
Forgiveness is of high value, yet it costs nothing.
iertarea are o valoare mare, si totusi nu te costa nimic
I am not what I am , not more nor less
eu sunt cea ce sunt.nici mai mult nici mai putin
1. A faithful friend is hard to find; remember man and keep in mind (un prieten adevarat este greu de gasit; sa tii minte asta)
2. A friend in need it’s a frienf indeed (prietenul la nevoie se cunoaste);
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