| Ankiiiiiii a întrebat:

Vreau sa-mi faceti rost de niste fraze, cuvinte..tot ce stiti,cu care sa le inchid gura 'desteptilor' care se cred singuri pe pamant. Si in engleza,daca se poate. Sa fie cat mai rautacioase si amuzante. Dar va rog sa nu luati de pe net. Doar chestii originale de ex : vaca k pandispan. Ma amuza faza asta. FUNDA pentru cele mai multe. happy multumesc,si da, stiu ca e stupid. laughing

2 răspunsuri:
| Axys a răspuns:

-Giving your firend the,, what the f u c k is this,, look during a test.
-Sarcasm:the ability to insult idiots without them realizing it.
-Dear monday, f u c k you.Sincerely,the world
-What a lovely shade of s l u t you`re wearing today.
-Shut up.My favorite song is playing.
-Wake me up when school ends.
-I truly believe that my haters are my motivators.
-I`m tired of being sweet and nice, f u c k you once and f u c k you twice.
-Abracadabra! Nope, you`re still a b i t c h.
-M.A.T.H. stands for: Most Awful Thing from Hell.
-Are you seriously talking to me? Because the last time I checked I hated you.
-Reason why I hate school:
5% annoying people.
5% shitty teachers.
90% it`s not Hogwarts
-God is dead, life is a b i t c h, love will tear us apart, you`re so fucked up.
-I love everybody.Some I love to be around, some I love to avoid, and others I`d love to punch in the face.
-B i t c h, you`re only alive because it`s illegal to kill you.
-What part of,, f u c k you,, don`t you understand?
-*** shit.it`s sunday and I haven`t touched any f u c k i n g homework.
-I may look calm, but in my head I`ve killed you three times.
-Some people believe in god. I believe in music.Some people pray. I turn up the radio.
-S.C.H.O.O.L.=Seven Creepy Hourf Of Our Life
-C. L. A. S. S.=Come Late And Start Sleeping
-F. I. N. A. L. S.=Fuc, I Never Actually Learned Shit.
-*** school.
-When my friend isn`t present at school:
5% i hope he/she is okay
95% how dare you leave me alone?

sper ca team putut ajuta

| Ankiiiiiii explică (pentru Axys):

Daa..mersiii happy