JUNO! si alte filme cu Ellen Page.
a, si the girl next door, the uninvated (asta e si de groaza).
A diary of a wimpy kid 1, dude, where's my car?, teoria mitocanului(e pe engleza), little miss sunshine, a diary of a wimpy kid 2
Charlie st cloud e cel mai fain :X
Iubit de imprumut.
Intalnire cu fata presedintelui.
Walk to remember :X
Adolescenti normali.
Mie mi-au placut destul de mult Van Wilder: Freshman Year(e in genu la American Pie), Step Up(toate 3 partile), Center Stage 2: Turn It Up, Wild Child, Easy A, John Tucker Must Die, You Got Served, Thirteen, Sydney White, Stomp The Yard si lista continua