Pai nu poti adauga foarte multe persoane repede
nu stiu dc cred aia ca esti spam
mai asteapta vreo ora si supa aia incearca iar
te rog spune-mi si mie cum ti-ai facut un nou id?
ca eu nu mai pot
Posibil sa fie reteaua incarcata.
Nu iti fa probleme.
Incerci mai tarziu si o sa mearga
Stergeti messengerul apoi descarca-l iar instaleazal si daca tot nu merge v-ati un id nou
Ai stat prea mult pe mess eu din engleza ai am inteles ca nu poti baga asa de multi oameni in trei ore incearca maine sa mai bagi si sa vedem daca merge
Am avut aceeasi problema si iti voi da rezolvarea MOTA-MO nu faci nici mai mult nici mai putin din ceea ce`ti scriu eu aici
To clear your Yahoo! Messenger cache:
In the notification area located next to the clock at the bottom-right corner of your screen, right-click the Yahoo! Messenger smiley icon, then select Exit.
Note: Windows 7 users may have their "Messenger smiley" icon hidden in the notification area; if so, move your cursor over the up arrow in the notification area to display the hidden icons, right-click the Messenger smiley icon, then select Exit.
Click the Windows Start button, select Programs (or All Programs) | Accessories | Command Prompt.
A list of commands is provided below.
Copy one line at a time from the list of command prompts, then right-click within the Command Prompt window to paste the command.
After pasting each command, press Enter on your keyboard.
Note: If you receive the "The system cannot find the file specified," continue with the next command. These errors are harmless.
Command prompts:
rd "%AppData%\Yahoo!\" /s /q
rd "%ProgramFiles%\Yahoo!\Messenger\Cache\" /s /q
rd "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Yahoo!\Messenger\Cache\" /s /q
rd "%LocalAppData%\VirtualStore\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\Cache" /s /q
rd "%LocalAppData%\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Yahoo!\Messenger\Cache" /s /q
Click the X button to close the Command Prompt.
Note for Windows Vista and Windows 7 users:
If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7 and you receive an "access is denied" error, start again with Step 1 above, then make sure to right-click Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator when on Step 2.
Now that you have cleared the Yahoo! Messenger cache, you can restart Yahoo! Messenger. Click the Windows Start button, select Programs (or All Programs) | Yahoo! Messenger. (acum sper ca stii engleza nu este greu eu acum 3 minute mi-am rezolvat problema