My mother came in, when i was doing my homework - mama a intrat in camera in timp ce imi faceam tema.
We will go to the cinema when we have money - vom merge la cinematograf atunci cand vom avea bani
When do we leave? - cand vom pleca?
We will leave when you finish your dinner - vom pleca atunci cand iti termini cina.
When will you come? - cand vei veni?
Friuts are healthy when you don't eat too many. - fructele sunt sanatoase atunci cand nu mananci prea multe.
Sper ca te-am ajutat :*
Funda ?
Aici nu se fac teme, citește politica site-ului!
@madycumada, bine pontat!
Pa, pa.
In atentia elevilor/studentilor: Nu acceptam intrebari prin intermediul carora incercati sa va rezolvati temele pentru acasa sau temele de vacanta. Cei care nu vor respecta acest aspect risca sa fie sanctionati prin stergerea/ suspendarea contului. (De ce procedam astfel | Mai multe informatii despre ce se accepta si ce nu pe TPU)
Nerespectarea a regulilor minimale de functionare a poate duce la stergerea conturilor.
1.cand am fost la paris, am vazut turnul eiffel
I was in Paris when I saw the Eiffel Tower
2.cand este vacanta merg la plaja cu prietenii
when going to the beach holiday with friends
3.toata ziua cand ma uit la televizor vad reclame amuzante
all day when I watch TV I see commercials funny
4.intr-o zi cand mergeam la scoala un caine m-a muscat
One day I went to school when a dog bit me
5.cand intru pe calculator vine si fratele meu
get on the computer when my brother comes
6.mama mea cand m-a vazut la magazin s-a infuriat rau
my mother when I saw the store was furious river
sper ca te-am ajutat!
When I bumped into your question, I was actually searching for something usefull.
When I was convinced to do your homework, I had figured out as much: you don't deserve it.
When you'll read this, you won't understand a sh*t.
Aa I write I'm still asking myself when are you people gonna do something with ur lifes.
When am I gonna die?
Nu le scrie pe astea... pentru ca sunt 4 nici de cum vreun alt motiv.
When i arrived home my mom was washing the dishes
cand am ajuns acasa mama mea spala vasele
when my dog got sick i call the vet
cand cainele meu a fost bolnav am chemat doctorul
when iyou got a pencil you start writing a novel
cand ai primit un pix ai inceput sa scrii o nuvela
when your dad cut of the tree my dad start to make firewoods
cand tatal tau a taiat copacul tatal meu a inceput sa faca lemne de foc
when your neighbour died you didn't take care of his cat
cand vecinul tau a murit tu nai avut grija de pisica lui
when my sister got pregnant i was very happy
cand sora mea a ramas insarcinata am fost foarte fericit
1When you go at home you are happy
Cand mergi acasa esti fericit-a
2I go at the toilet when I need to go
Merg la toaleta cand am nevoie sa merg
3When you say "Hello" she said "hi"
Cand tu ai zis buna ea zis salut
restul le faci tu Good luck
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