Bill Kaulitz More at IMDbPro »
Date of Birth
1 September 1989, Leipzig, German Democratic Republic
Birth Name
Bill Kaulitz-Trümper
6' 2" (1.88 m)
Trade Mark
His hair.
His dark eyeliner.
With twin brother Tom Kaulitz a member of Tokio Hotel.
Was voted "most annoying German in 2006" by the viewers of TV network ProSieben (27 December 2006).
Was a candidate in the first season of "Star Search" (2003) (category "Junior"). But in the quarter-final he was defeated by Oliver Bruton.
Trilingual: German, English, and French.
His parents divorced when he and his brother were 7 years old.
His step-father owns a music school called, "Rock's cool".
Favorite musicians are Nena, Green Day, Coldplay, Keane and Placebo.
Likes Gothic fashion.
Translated all his German songs to English for his band's English album.
His mother is a freelance tailor.
He is 10 minutes younger than twin brother, Tom Kaulitz.
He and his brother, Tom, do not have middle names.
Enjoys peppermint tea.
His first concert he ever attended was Nena.
Favourite food is Pasta.
Is best friends with his twin brother.
Had to undergo surgery to remove the cyst in one of his vocal chords. (March 2008).
One of his favorite television programs is Prison Break.
His good friend is Andreas, who is also the president of Tokio Hotel's fan club.
Personal Quotes
When Tom and I were young we had many liberties. We could stay up and go out later than kids in our age. But I never misused it. I never came back home drunk and threw up at my mother's feet. - 2005, from an interview for the first biography book about 'Tokio Hotel'
If I could do this for the rest of my life, if I could make my living with writing and composing songs - that would be... the best thing ever.
The first thing I notice about a girl, is her hands. I like girls with nice hands... And she must be spontaneous as well.
On love and his ideal girl: I love it when a girl has a great look, nice nails and a beautiful skin. And then, especially, that they are positive and playful. I don't like one night stands. I truly believe in true love, a love that you only find once in a lifetime...if you have the chance. Because I think that many people never find it, which is very sad... I've already met girls, I've already fallen in love. I know what it's like to have a flash for someone and the butterflies on your belly, but I still haven't found love with a big L.
I won't let anyone stand between me and my brother.
I can't - we can't - live without each other. We are always together. We are like one person and like soul mates. We don't have to talk. (about his twin brother)
si eu de aici le luam
In romana:
Nume:Bill Kaulitz
Data nasterii:01.09.1989(fecioara)
Locul nasterii:Leipzig(Germania)
Inaltime:1, 77
Culoarea parului:albastru spre brunet
Culoarea ochilor:caprui
Hobby-uri:muzica si petrecerile
Tatuaje si piercinguri:un piercing in spranceana si unul in limba si un tatuaj la spate
Materie preferata:artele(muzica desen.)
Materiile pe care le uraste:matematica, fizica si franceza
Formatia preferata:Green day
Cantecul preferat: Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
Isi doreste:fericire si libertate
Motto:TRAIESTE CLIPAUele date despre Bill :
-a inceput sa scrie versuri la varsta de 7 ani
-nu ar canta niciodata doar pentru bani
-cel mai mare vis al lui este sa cante in tokio, cu formatia
-nu il deranjeaza cand cineva il compara cu o fata pentru ca fetele sunt dragute
-nu are nimic impotriva fetelor care formeaza groupies
-tatal lui vitreg canta intr-o formatie si il cheama Gordon
-e dreptaci dar poate sa scrie si cu stanga
-parintii lui s-au despartit cand el avea 7 ani
-daca lui si lui tom le place de aceeasi fata, lasa fata sa decida pe cine alege
-ii place sa discute
-sa machiat pentru prima data la un carnaval unde trebuia sa fie vampir
-merge la scoala Joachim-Friedrich din Wolmirstedt
-foloseste deo de la dove
-poarta inele, bratari si ghiozdane sau sepci
-firma preferata de papuci este nike
-isi face freza cu fixativ
-primul cd a fost cel d la nena
-a uitat o data la un concert live a doua strofa si a cantat-o p prima de 2 ori
-s-a sarutat pentru prima data la 10 ani cu aceeasi fata cu care s-a sarutat si tom
-pentru as face freza are nevoie de 1-2 ore
-fata perfecta pentru bill ar trebui sa fie glumeata,vesela, spontana si sa nu isi manance unghiile si sa fie un bun critic
-daca ar fi sa se retraga din muzica bill ar vrea sa devina designer vestimentar
-cea mai najpa faza a fost cand tom a vomitat p el in autobuzul scolii
-are un tel mobil marca Sidecick ll
-pe mama lui o cheama Simone
-bill e foarte creativ, ii place sa deseneze haine
-nu poate sa se descurce cu banii pentru ca e foarte cheltuitor, in special cand vine vorba de haine
-ii place mancarea de la fast food, pizza tot nu se ingrasa si nu stie de ce
-bill e foarte sensibil, profesoara lui zice ca bill e mult mai deschis si mai sensibil ca tom
-ii place ca este diferit de tom pentru ca nu ar vrea sa fie la fel
-poarta boxeri si e alergic la tantari
-cateodata are aceleasi vise ca si tom
-notele lui sunt de la 1 la 9. cel mai bun prieten ii Andreas, care este si cel mai bun prieten si a lui Tom
-cand erau la gradinita aveau scrise pe tricou numele si tot timpu le schimbau intre ei
-nu fumeaza
-ii place sa mearga la petreceri dar sa stea si acasa
-autobuzul spre scoala pleaca la 6.10 am
-cu fetele bill are o pozitie firma
-despre virginitate zice ca poate si-a pierdut-o sau poate nu si inca asteapta fata potrivita
-foloseste un tub de fixativ p sapt.primestte aproximativ 50 de scrisorii p zi
-la 6 ani a aparut intr-un film cu tom pentru cateva minute
-bill ar vrea sa fie un vrajitor si i-ar placea sa isi faca cumparaturile in New York
-are un iBook de la Apple si de ziua lui a primit un play station portabil
-de cand cu succesul Bill si Tom se ascund in cafetaria scolii cu Andreas pentru a putea vorbii in liniste
-primeste 50 de euro p luna bani de buzunar
-uraste sa mearga la scoala.Bill si Tom s-au retras anul asta de la scoala pentru ca profesorii nu isi puteau tine cursurile din cauza lor si a fanilor, dar incearca sa faca acasa ore particulare
-la anul vor repeta din nou clasa a10a(sau asa ceva)
-ii place sa flirtreze, dar cu cuvinte
-se tunde o data la 3 saptamana.un prieten de-a mamei lui il tunde
In engleza:
Name:Bill Kaulitz
Birthdate: 09/01/1989 (Virgo)
Height: 1.77
Hair color: blue to black
Eyes: Brown
Hobbies: music and parties
Tattoos and piercings: one piercing in one eyebrow and tongue and a tattoo on the back
matter favorite: the arts (music drawing.)
materials that hates mathematics, physics and French Favorite band: Green day
Favorite song: Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
He wants: happiness and freedom
Motto: Live for the moment
data about Bill: He began writing poetry at the age of 7 years would never play just for the money, his biggest dream is to play in Tokyo, with the band, it does not bother you when someone compare with a girl for the girls are nice has nothing against girls, forming groupies
his stepfather plays in a band and named him Gordon
-handed but can write with his left, his parents split when he was 7 years and his tom she like the same girl, let the girl decide on choose who likes to talk
to make up for the first time at a carnival where you had to go to school or vampire-Joachim-Friedrich-Wolmirstedt use of the dove-deo wear rings, bracelets and caps, bags or favorite shoe company is nike makes free
once looked at a live concert and sang the second verse a first p-2 times to kiss for the first time in 10 years with the same girl whom he kissed and bit would do for tom-needs 1-2 Hour-bill for the perfect girl would be nice, cheerful, spontaneous and not to eat nails and be a good critical-would be to withdraw the bill would want music to become fashion designer, the stage was tom when he vomited in school-bus has a mobile phone brand Sidek
His grades are from 1 to 9. cel her best friend Andreas, who is also his best friend and when Tom' s gradinita were written on the shirt had the name all the time and switch between them they do not smoke-ii- likes going to parties but to stay at home for school-bus leaves at 6.10 am-girls-bill has a firm position on virginity can say he lost it or can not still waiting for the right girl uses a tube- p sapt.primestte obsessed about 50
Da' de unde căcat vrei fetiță să ți le luăm? Crezi că avem cărți despre acel pui dezosat?
Uită-te tu pe wikipedia, acolo fiecare informație e corectă. Bine, poate nu fiecare.
Și pun pariu că nu ai mai mult de 15 ani. Mai vezi-ți de viață și nu intra în depresie la melodiile ăstora.
Tokio Hotel is a pop rock band from Germany, founded in 2001 by singer Bill Kaulitz, guitarist Tom Kaulitz, drummer Gustav Schäfer and bassist Georg Listing.
The quartet have scored four number one singles and have released three number one albums in their native country, selling nearly 5 million CDs and DVDs there. After recording an unreleased demo-CD under the name "Devilish" and having their contract with Sony BMG Germany terminated, the band released their first German-language album, Schrei, as Tokio Hotel on Universal Music Germany in 2005. Schrei sold more than half a million copies worldwide and spawned four top five singles in both Germany and Austria. In 2007, the band released their second German album Zimmer 483 and their first English album Scream which have combined album sales of over one million copies worldwide and helped win the band their first MTV Europe Music Award for Best InterAct. The former, Zimmer 483, spawned three top five singles in Germany while the latter, Scream, spawned two singles that reached the top twenty in new territories such as France, Portugal, Spain and Italy. In September 2008, they won in the US their first MTV Video Music Award for Best New Artist. In October 2008, they won four awards including Best International Artist and Song of the year at Los Premios MTV Latinoamérica held in Mexico. Tokio Hotel became the first German band ever to win an award at the MTV VMAs and also at the MTV Latin America Awards. They also picked up the Headliner award at the MTV Europe Music Awards 2008 held in Liverpool on 6 November 2008 and the Award for Best Group on 5 November 2009 at the MTV Europe Music Award held in Berlin. They won an Award for Best World Stage Performance on 7 November 2010 at the MTV Europe Music Awards in Madrid.
si exact sub prima poza e biografia;;)
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