"Vorbesc si cred in basme si destin.dar vad paharul gol chiar si atunci cand este plin"
"Hey Mr. Lover...i need a dancer to make me shake my boody to make me break the floor"
"Azi...te astept cu un buchet de trandafiri,te astept la aceeasi banca plina de-amintiri"
"Sunt special ca`s nebun,mai nebun ca restulll,ei te-ar tine in pat eu-n vitrina caci tu..."
"I love the way you smile,the way you look, the way you walk, the way you love the way you enter to...my mind"
"Oh written in the stars
A million miles away
A message to the main
Seasons come and go
But I will never change
And I’m on my way"
Uite aici link-ul melodiei http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgFyi74DVjc
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