| Blackbuterfly a întrebat:

Hi TPU! care` sunt versurile voastre preferate?(din melodie). fundita pentru cele mai frumoasewinking

2 răspunsuri:
| Libelle a răspuns:

"Vorbesc si cred in basme si destin.dar vad paharul gol chiar si atunci cand este plin"

"Hey Mr. Lover...i need a dancer to make me shake my boody to make me break the floor"
"Azi...te astept cu un buchet de trandafiri,te astept la aceeasi banca plina de-amintiri"
"Sunt special ca`s nebun,mai nebun ca restulll,ei te-ar tine in pat eu-n vitrina caci tu..."

"I love the way you smile,the way you look, the way you walk, the way you love the way you enter to...my mind"

| Catalynz a răspuns:

"Oh written in the stars
A million miles away
A message to the main
Seasons come and go
But I will never change
And I’m on my way"

Uite aici link-ul melodiei http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgFyi74DVjc

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