Nu stiu ce poti spune... Everyday my life is an hell but one day i meet him and it has become increasingly clear.Nu stiu mai departe=]]Sunt un poet no? Refrenul sa fie I love you Forever! Funda?:X
Ce zici de o melodie cu titlul de I love you Forever! sau Forgive me=]]daca esti romantica...
He tells me that i'm a star, i told him that are my love.I love him, day and night i think of him and look at him as soon as his eyes fall deep in love. Leaves i feel on the heart but him cleaned everything with her love.I want a day to say:I love you forever, i love you forever(aici mai zici inca o data si prelungesti eeeeeeeeeer)Asta ar fi prima strofa.
I can not stop now, love is my passion, but one day it will fly, he will leave me and everything break down.Now or never have to tell him i love him, should i now tell i feel until it's too late. Love will win and nothing will change until he moves.I love you forever, i love you forever(repeti inca o data si prelungesti eeeeeeeer).
I can not stop love,heart beat and i still can not stop only when love will die but that will not happen. Strain whispers among heart that still beats, voices saying good night, others who dream of stars and moon, my voice say i love the rain and the fire i found you and i will never say:when love dies, it is will stop and it will be like the first time you're sipping reddish eyes and heart.I think about how i could go on forever we'll be dancing in the rain and fire, or in storm and crying, i will never say :when you love die it will stop and it will be like the first time you're sipping reddish eyes and heart.
Incluude, incluude:* si mersii pentruu toot:*:*:* mai astept continuarea de la cantec:*
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