"What i write now for you aren`t words, are pieces of my soul and mind, because love doesn`t write, it feels."
" Forgotten`s courtain will not fall over the beautiful scenery of sincere friendship, even if the scene is over."
What you write now is not words, are pieces of soul and mind, because love does not write feels
---- cortina never forget will not fall over the beautiful scenery of sincere friendship, even if the scene is over
---- What you write now is not words, are pieces of soul and mind, because love does not write feels
---- Cortina never forget will not fall over the beautiful scenery of sincere friendship, even if the scene is over... sper ca sunt asa si ca nu am gresit
What I am writing now are not words, they are pieces of soul and mind, because love cannot be written, it can only be felt.
The curtain of oblivion will never fall over the wonderful landscape of true friendship, even if the scene has ended.
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