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Yahoo! is changing the way you can recover your account in case you forget your password. We recommend that you provide a mobile phone number and/or an email address, but you must enter two secret questions and answers in order to continue. Learn more
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- Answer on file -
- Answer on file -
- Select - Where did you spend your honeymoon? Where did you meet your spouse? What is your oldest cousin's name? What is your youngest child's nickname? What is your oldest child's nickname? What is the first name of your oldest niece? What is the first name of your oldest nephew? What is the first name of your favorite aunt? What is the first name of your favorite uncle? What town was your father born in? What town was your mother born in?- Create your own question -
- Select - Who is your favorite author? What is the last name of your best man at your wedding? What is the last name of your maid of honor at your wedding? What is the name of your favorite book? What is the last name of your favorite musician? Who is your all-time favorite movie character? What was the make of your first car? What was the make of your first motorcycle? What was your first pet's name? What is the name of your favorite sports team? Where did you spend your childhood summers? What was the last name of your favorite teacher? What was the last name of your best childhood friend? What was your favorite food as a child? What was the last name of your first boss? What is the name of the hospital where you were born? What is your main frequent flier number? What is the name of the street on which you grew up?- Create your own question -
Make sure your answer is private, memorable and does not change over time.
Si la numarul de telefon cand pun nu merge.
Nu stiu de ce nu merge. am incercat de 1000 de ori alte numere. si am schimbat si de acolo arata +1, +91,+60,+62,+63 am dat pe toate si am scris numarul nu stiu ce sa fac. ajutati-ma! Plizzzz
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În răspunsul pe care vrei să îl postezi au fost găsite greşeli de scriere. Ele au fost corectate automat şi le poţi vedea marcate mai jos
Eşti pe cale să postezi un mesaj care poate încuraja pirateria şi distribuţia ilegală de materiale pe internet. Legea nr. 8 din 1996, privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe, a fost modificată semnificativ prin Legea nr. 285 din 2004, prin OUG nr. 123 din 2005, precum şi prin Legea nr. 329 din 2006, iar tu ai putea să te afli în situaţia de a le încălca acum.
În ipoteza unei acţiuni pe cale legală, este obligat să furnizeze IP-ul tău ( şi restul datelor de identificare şi informaţiilor despre tine.
Nu poţi posta acest răspuns pentru că linkul pe care l-ai inclus este suspicios, iar pe TPU pirateria nu este încurajată.
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Răspunsurile ce conţin cuvinte de genul pot fi postate doar la întrebări din categoria Dragoste şi Sex
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