De la tristeţe, o melancolie ocazională până la dipresie (în adevăratul sens al cuvântului) e un drum lung.
Nu stiu deca e depresie sau nu. Consider ca cei alfati in depresie au numai zile proaste, eu mai am si momente in care ma simt bine.
Cred ca e o stare de dezamagire, de frustrare, de monotonie, habar nu am. Acum am o astfel de stare si imi vine sa ma dau cu capul de pereti. Ma simt un prost, traiesc degeaba.
Da, cam la fel si eu...
Ce parere ai de psihologi?
Nu pot sa zic ca am o parere, dar nu prea le vad rostul.
Daca ai o gandire de rahat, o poti avea si dupa ce vorbesti cu 10 psihologi. Chestiile astea vin din interiorul tau, tin de autodeterminare, degeaba iti zice un pshiholog ca e bine sau nu e bine ceea ce faci daca tu simti altceva.
Oh! I sink myself deep! But i gotta get up! Gotta get up! Gotta get up! I'm stronger than my bloody hormones! I'll get out of this *** and laugh in its face!
Whatttt? What's that?
What's what? The three stars or my description of my c.r.a.p.p.y mood? The stars are what the site put automatically where I wrote s.h.i.t. That's why now I put dots between the letters of s.h.i.t or c.r.a.p. Anything that's not about the stars is about my mood:"I sink my self so deep that I can't touch the bottom!" Still, I think I can overcome depression, but it will take some time. It's been around for half a year and I think it's about enough.
Why are you writing in English?
:3 You're weird.
That's a compliment.
Why did you ask me the question and answer it yourself? I am writing in English because I'm weird. And thanks for that compliment. You really managed to flatter a miserable bipolar and cyclothymic little f.u.c.k(That's me!).
Nu am raspuns la intrebare, era decat un argument in plus.
Aaa, deci ai fost la psiholog?
Oh, ba ai raspuns, doar ca neintentionat! A fost nevoie de o analiza ca sa-mi dau seama ce se intampla cu mine. E important sa stii ce e cu tine intr-o situatie de felul asta. Uite, de exemplu, tu incerci sa afli ce e cu tine pe TPU! Eu am facut o mie de teste psihologice(desi din primul valorile mi-au iesit uriase, dar eram in faza de negare).
Ok, merci de raspuns.
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