Yes,in my opinion,beauty means a lot more than a good looking. An example can be the girls who participate at beauty pageants... it's not enough to be pretty. They must know how to talk to the people and it really matters to be good inside,to have a precious heart - to take part in animals or children's charity.
The outside beauty is often evidenced by the one it's inside.
So, in conclusion, it doesn't matter how beautiful you are if you have an evil spirit. Your beuty can be more beutiful if you're nice, gentle and friendly.
Cred ca asta te va ajuta.
Dezvolti si tu afirmatia aia "Is beauty more than good looking". Pentru tine, frumuseatea inseamna doar ca arati sexy/bine/trasnet (sau cum vrei tu s-o numesti)sau inseamna si altceva? Sii ncepi sa-ti exprimi punctul devedere aducand argumente pro sau contra. Spre exemplu zici si tu"nu doar frumusetea experioara conteaza ci si cea interioara, uneori ambalajul nu reflecta si continutul pe care-l contine etc"
Aberezi despre cum frumusetea vine din interior si ca daca sufletul nostru estre frumos trupul nu mai conteaza.De aici te descurci.
Scrie ceva de genu - beauty is more than good looking, because good looking refers to the way your body looks, but true beauty is both on the inside and out. inner beauty should always accompany the outter beauty, because without that, it is just a mask that fades with time... - s-ar putea sa fi mancat vreo litera pe ici pe colo, dar in mare cam astea sunt ideile care imi vin in cap legate de chestia asta