Ronan Keating - If tomorrow never comes
Joe Dassin - Et si tu n`existais pas
Lara Fabian - Je t`aime
Pixie Lott - Cry me out sau Hold me in your arms
Lady Antebellum - I Need you now
Mie sincer mi-ar face mare placere ca un baiat sa-mi dedice una din melodiile astea :-x
La tine manelele sunt linistitoare ?
Stevie Wonder - You are the sunshine of my life
Metallica - Nothing else matters :X
Jennifer Rush - The power of love
Andrea Bocceli - Vivo per lei
Elton John - Your song
Westlife - My love
Directia 5 - O fata ca ea(cred ca asta e cea mai potrivita )
Multumesc,sunt bune si piesele tale
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