Pai : formele de genul " I was dancing. " este ca pe romaneste " Eu dansam " Was se foloseste la persoana a treia singular ( She was eating, He was screaming ); " I danced " este ca pe romaneste " Eu am dansat ". Multe verbe din engleza la trecut se sfarsesc prin ed dar exista verbe cu forme iregulare ( aici este o lista : ); sper ca te-am ajutat si daca nu, sa-mi spui printr-un mesaj ca sa iti mai explic :)
Forma : S+have/had + vb III
adica = subiect + have/has + verb la forma a 3 (daca verbul este regulat se scrie la sfarsit 'd/ed' )
La afirmativ este asa :
I have bought (verb neregulat ) / I have lived ( verb regulat )
You have bought / You have bought
He has bought / He has lived
She has bought / She has lived
It has bought / It has lived
We have bought / We have lived
You have bought / You have lived
They have bought / You have lived
Forma "has" se pune DOAR la persoana a 3 singular. Nu exista o exlicatie anume. Este o regula ce trebuie respectata.
La negativ.
I haven't bought
You haven't bought
He. She.It hasn't bought
We haven't bought
You haven't bought
They haven't bought
(la fel este si la verbele regulate live, watch etc. )
La interogativ.
Have I bought?
Have you bought?
Has she. he. it bought?
Have we bought?
Have you bought?
Have they bought?
( la fel este si la verbele regulate ex: Have i lived? )
Timpul PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE este timpul care exprima un trecut recent.
Ca sa-ti dai seama cand sa folosesti acest timp, te ghidezi dupa :
FOR= durata actiunii
Since =inceputul actiunii
Aceste doua cuvinte apar atunci cand este folosit prsent perfect simple.
Te mai poti ghida de asemenea si dupa urmatarele cuvinte :
never,ever,yet,since last year,so far, already, for the last 3 years, up until today, up to now, until now. De asemenea cand apara aceste cuvinte trebuie folosit timpul present perfect simple.
Forma :S+was/were +vb+ing
adica =subiect +was/were + verb+ ing
La firmativ
I was watching
You were watching
She.He.It was watching
We were watching
You were watching
They were watching
La negativ
I wasn't watching
You weren't watching
She.He.It wasn't watching
We weren't watching
They weren't watching.
La interogativ
Was I watching
Were you watching?
Was watching?
Were we watching?
Were you watching?
Were they watching?
Aici was/were nu se mai foloseste la fel. Was se pune la persoanele I si III singular. ATAT.Iar were la celelalte persoane care au ramas, deoarece ele sunt la plural, iar were se pune doar la plural.
Acest timp exprima o actiune care este in progres intr-un anumit moment in trecut.
Ex :
She was writing a mail yesterday, at 7 p.m.
Mai exprima si o actiune in progres care este intrerupta de o actiune in timpul trecut
Ex: She was writing a mail when somebody knoked at the door.
Mai poate exprima o actiune in trecut care nu intrerupe o actiune in progres.
Ex: I was walking down the street when I saw trees in blow.
Forma :S+do/does + vb+ e/es
adica= subiect +do/does+verb+e/es
La afirmativ
Subiect + verb( se adaugă s/es)
La negativ
Subiect +don’t/doesn’t + verb
La interogativ
Do/Does +subiect + verb +?
esentul simplu se folosește pentru a exprima o acțiune repetată, obișnuită, activități zilnice, stări permanente, adevăruri general valabile. Se mai folosește în orare și comentarii sportive.
Se folosește cu adverbe de frecvență: never (niciodată); rarely, seldom ( rar); sometimes (uneori); usually (de obicei); often (des); always (mereu)
Alte reguli:
* Doar la persoana a III-a singular se adaugă S/ES
* Dacă verbul se termină în ss, sh, ch, x, o se adaugă ES
* Dacă verbul se termină în vocală și y se adaugă S
* Dacă verbul se termină în consoană și y, y-ul se transformă în i și se adaugă ES
Exemple și propoziții uzuale:
* The train leaves at half past two. – Trenul pleacă la ora două și jumătate
* I always drink coffee in the morning. – Mereu beau cafea de dimineață.
* I rarely skip breakfast. – Rareori sar peste micul dejun.
* Mark never goes to sleep before 10 pm. -Mark nu se culcă nicodată înainte de ora 10.
* Lucy often eats fried potatoes for dinner. – Lucy mănâncă deseori cartofi prejiți la cină.
* It rains a lot in London. – În Londra plouă des.
* I hate people who speak to much.- Urăsc oamenii care vorbesc prea mult.
* My mother cooks very well. – Mama mea gătește foarte bine.